- Her voice was faintly mocking. 她的声音略带一丝嘲弄。
- Her voice was suddenly heard behind the scenes. 她的声音在后台突然传了出来。
- Her voice was a little strained, a little unnatural. 她的声音有点紧张,有点不自然。
- Her voice was scarcely audible above the noise of the wind. 在风中她的声音几乎听不见。
- Her voice was subdued when he talked to her son. 她在同儿子谈话时,声音变得柔和了。
- Her voice was drowned by the roar of the traffic. 她的说话声被车辆的轰鸣声压倒了。
- Her voice was quite unlike her usual one. 她的声音和平常完全不同。
- But her voice was barely a whisper. 但是她的声音却只不过是一声耳语。
- Her voice was full of fierce regret. 她的声调充满了深深的惋惜。
- "Thank you," said Hesper. Her voice was husky. “谢谢,”海茨帕说,她的声音有点儿沙哑。
- Her voice was a little plaintive. 她的声音有点儿伤感。
- She had tears in her eyes,but her voice was firm. 她的眼睛里盈满了泪水,但是她的语气却很坚决。
- "Oh, that's all right." Her voice was casual. “啊,没关系。”她的音调很轻松。
- Her voice was rapturous as she squeezed Scarlett. 她紧紧地搂着思嘉,用非常兴奋的语调说。
- Her voice was barely audible above the noise. 一片嘈杂,她的声音只能勉强听得见。
- Her voice was flat and expressionless. 她的声音平淡而呆板。
- Her voice was imbued with an unusual seriousness. 她的声音里充满着一种不寻常的严肃语气。
- Her voice was shrill and penetrating. 她的声音尖厉刺耳。
- Her voice was soft and cajoling. 她讲话的声音轻柔甜美。
- Something about her voice was vaguely familiar. 她的声音有点耳熟。