- Her steady gazedid not waver. 她目不转睛地注视著。
- Her steady gaze did not waver. 她目不转睛地注视著。
- They did not waver in their support for him. 他们毫不动摇地支持他。
- He did not waver in the face of difficulties. 他在困难面前不动摇。
- My faith will not waver because of him. 我的信心不会因为他而动摇。
- Henrietta looked disappointed, and her steady gaze betrayed it. 亨利艾塔有些失望,她那炯炯逼人的目光泄露了这一点。
- It moved slowly and steadily and did not waver up or down. 它慢慢地稳步移动,没有上下摇摆。
- Will he have see you if you have not wave to him. 如果没向他招手他将看见你你是否吗。
- He did not wave his spade but played dead. 他不舞动铲子,实行装死。
- She would not have seen me if I had not waved to her. 如果我不向她招手,她不会看见我的。
- Her steadiness would calm Lyndon down. 她的坚定能安抚林登的情绪。
- For four or five of them were busy carrying off our stores, and wading out with the to one of the gigs that lay close by, pulling an oar on so hold her steady against the current. 总之,他们有四五个人正忙着涉水把我们的给养搬到停在旁边的一条小船上,而小船上的人则时不时地划上一两桨,使小船在急流中保持稳定。
- Do not wave on a boat, or you will fall into the water. 行舟过渡时不要乱动,小心落水。
- By this time we had got so far out of the run of the current that we kept steerage way even at our necessarily gentle rate of rowing, and I could keep her steady for the goal. 我们这时已经远远摆脱了那股逆流,所以只要稍微用点力,船就能前进,而我也能稳稳地将船头对准登陆点。
- She's not very steady on her pins. 她站得不太稳。
- Would he have seen you if you had not waved to him? 如果你没有朝他挥手,他能看见你吗?
- Keep her steady! 舵向不变!把定!照直走!(舵令)
- You could also hold an empty glass or some money,but do not wave them about. 你可以举起空杯子或钱,可不要摇晃。
- Steady! =Keep her steady! (船头)方向照旧!
- You could also hold an empty glass or some money, but do not wave them about. 你可以举起空杯子或钱,可不要摇晃。