- Her skin is silky smooth. 她的皮肤很滑。
- Her skin is still as smooth as a baby's bottom. 她的皮肤仍然十分柔软、光滑。
- Her skin is smooth and delicate. 她的皮肤光滑细腻。
- Her skin is smooth, and makes others envious. 她的皮肤滑溜溜的让人羡慕。
- Her skin is puffy round her eyes. 她眼圈浮肿。
- Her skin is subtle, white, silken, animate. 她皮肤雪白,细腻,光滑,充满活力。
- Her skin is as white as alabaster. 是说她的皮肤白如雪花石膏,也可以说她有。
- Her skin is pure as brand new snow. 她的肌肤白如新雪。
- Her skin is very white, a heritage from her mother. 她皮肤白皙,是母亲遗传给她的。
- Touch of her skin feeling silky smooth 抚摩她的肌肤感受丝般光滑
- Her skin is very tender, like a baby's. 她的皮肤像婴儿一样的柔嫩。
- Her skin is subtle, white, silken, animate . 她皮肤雪白,细腻,光滑,充满活力。
- Beancurd with Scallop is soft and tender inside, the taste of bean is strong and the texture is silky smooth, adding the oyster and scallop sauce brighten this dish up. 干贝豆腐里又软又嫩,豆味十足,还有滑溜的质感,加上浓味的蚝油干贝丝等,鲜味非常,使到整道菜都焕然一新。
- Her skin is as smooth as silk. 她的皮肤像丝绸一样光滑。
- Thanks to that, probably, her skin is still fine and smooth, her complesion completely calm, while her style of clothing discloses an aesthetism unusual of her generation. 也许因此,老年的她依然细皮嫩肉,神情超然。而她着装的格调,则讲述着她大大超越同代人的审美情趣。
- Her skin is as smooth as satin. 她的皮肤像缎子一样光滑。
- The leaves are grey and silky smooth. 叶子呈灰色,平整光洁。
- Her skin is quite irritable. 她的皮肤相当过敏。
- Her skin is white cloth, and she's all sewn apart and she has many colored pins sticking out of her heart. 她的皮肤白布做,一块一块缝成身躯。她有很多彩色针,一根一根刺在心里。
- SOP start, her skin is really smoothy, which is my favorite, and her mm is round and plump, fresh and young. it is so good to be young. 开始标准作业啦她皮肤真的超滑的是我的最爱啦而且俩个车头灯又圆又大"幼勾笑连又勾青啦"年轻真好啊!