- Her remarks set me thinking. 我听了她的话不禁沉思起来。
- Your remarks have set me thinking. 你的话使我开始思考。
- Her words set me thinking. 她的话使我深思。
- The newspaper article set me thinking. 这份报子引起我的思考。
- This set me thinking on the possible effect of this move. 这使我考虑这一行动可能产生的影响。
- Her remarks inclined me to accept her idea. 她的评论使我接受她的看法。
- One of my Arsenal supporting friends recently claimed Chelsea were “spoiling football”. It set me thinking and the conclusions are set out below. 我有一个阿森纳球迷朋友,最近某天跟我说切尔西是在“糟蹋足球”。正是他的这个形容,引我得出以下的想法和结论。
- Pairs of loves passed me by when I was walking along the road. It set me thinking, what is it that makes them get along so harmoniously with each other ? 在路上行走时,常看到成对的情侣走过,我总是想,是什么原因,让他们可以相处得如此甜蜜融洽呢?
- I don't quite know what to make of her remarks. 我不太知道如何来理解她的话。
- Peters, grinning brimming on the rigorous complexion.Instantly, his facial expression set me thinking of the irresistible temptation of Chinese cuisines. 彼得外长说到这里,不苟言笑的脸上浮过一丝笑意,我立即联想到了中国菜的无限杀伤力。
- Her remarks made him writhe with shame. 她的话羞得他十分难堪。
- Her remarks were embarrassingly close to home. 她说的那些话很露骨而使人感到很尴尬。
- I felt humiliation at her remarks. 听到她的话我感到受辱。
- These words set me thinking. 这些话语引起我深思。
- Her remarks savour of hypocrisy. 她说的话听起来有点儿虚伪。
- This incident set me thinking. 这事令我深思。
- Her remarks satisfied his doubts. 她的一番话消除了他的疑虑。
- His words set me thinking. 他的话引起我的深思。
- Her remarks seemed a bit adolescent. 她的这番话似乎有点幼稚。