- Her face twisted in anger. 她气得脸都变形了。
- Her face twisted into a picture of pain. 她的脸绷的很紧,显得非常痛苦。
- Her face twisted up with pain as her leg lay bent beneath her. 她的腿弯折时,面部扭曲了,露出痛苦不堪的神情。
- Haindl's malevolent face twists in surprise. 海因德尔那张狰狞的脸孔惊讶地蹙了起来。
- As the negro came running to the buggy, his black face twisted in a leering grin, she fired point-blank at him. 那黑人脸上挂着淫荡的微笑,朝着马车跑来,她就对他开了枪,打中了没有,根本不知道。
- Jo twisted in her arms to face forward. 乔在她的怀里扭了扭身子,把脸转向前面。
- She was rending her hair out in anger. 她气愤得直扯自己的头发。
- His face twisted in a grin. 他歪着脸咧嘴而笑。
- Nobody knew what had caused her to blaze out in anger. 没有人知道什么事惹得她大发雷霆。
- Her face flushed with anger under the cross fire of her parents. 她在父母的交相指责下,气得满脸通红。
- There is an air of abstraction in her face. 她脸上带着一种心不在焉的神态。
- Her face was covered in wasp stings. 她脸上满是黄蜂蜇过的伤痕。
- The accident happened at the twist in the road. 这场事故发生在道路的拐弯处。
- Her face was badly bruised in the crash. 她碰得鼻青脸肿。
- The cat arched its back in anger. 那只猫气得拱起了腰。
- Her face was dark in the shadowy place. 在这阴暗的地方她脸色黝黑。
- She buried her face in her hands and wept. 她双手掩面哭了起来。
- The boy clenched his fists in anger. 那男孩愤怒地握紧了拳头。
- The story has a strange twist in chapter 15. 故事情节在第十五章有了出乎意料的转折。
- He tossed out of the room in anger. 他愤怒之下一甩头离开了房间。