- Her face became very grave. 她的表情变得十分严肃。
- Hilary' s face became very grave. 希拉里的面容变得非常严峻。
- Hilary's face became very grave. 希拉蕊的面容变得非常严峻。
- She went crimson(= her face became very red because she was embarrassed). 她的脸变得通红。
- Her face became darker and more dissatisfied. 她脸色阴沉,显得越来越沮丧。
- Her face became fascinatingly distorted. 她迷人地歪斜着脸。
- Her face became full of flush after her secret was revealed. 她的秘密被泄露之后,顿时面红耳赤。
- "There, my dear, in you anxiety to walk, these dreams become very real." He was now exerting all his bedside manner to take the look of white dismay from her face. "瞧你呀,亲爱的,急着下床走路急成这个样子,--这种热望是一定可以实现的。"他竭尽医生安慰病人之能事,力图驱散她那充满绝望的满脸愁云。
- When Pat picked up the receiver, her face became the only bright spot in that gloomy day. 帕特拿起话筒,她灿烂的笑脸成了阴沉天气里惟一的亮点。
- Little by little smiling appeared at the corner of her mouth, while her face became white and fat. 她口角边渐渐地有了笑影,脸上也白胖了。
- Or the moments when our two children were born and her face became radiant as she emerged from the unreachable realm of labor into exultation. 像是当我们的两个孩子出生时.她从旁人无法触及的分娩痛楚的情形中露出的欢喜时容光焕发的那一刻。
- His illness assumed a very grave character. 他的病显得非常的严重。
- She is very shy. She doesn't like to show her face. 她非常怕羞,她不喜欢抛头露面。
- Mademoiselle Baptistine turned round, beheld the man entering, and half started up in terror,then, turning her head by degrees towards the fireplace again, she began to observe her brother, and her face became once more profoundly calm and serene. 巴狄斯丁姑娘回头瞧见那人朝门里走,吓得站不直身子,过了一会才慢慢地转过头去,对着壁炉,望着她哥,她的面色又转成深沉恬静的了。
- After she'd overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly. 她克服了开始时的羞涩之后,就变得非常友善。
- His face is very grave, or upset, or scared, she cannot tell which. 他的脸色很严肃,很烦乱还是很惊慌,她可说不上来。
- Nana was silent at this, and her face grew grave. 娜娜一听见这个,就一句话也不说了,脸色沉重起来。
- She never laughed and became very sullen. 她再也没有笑过,变得郁郁寡欢。
- I have a very grave announcement. 我要非常严肃地宣布一件事情。
- Her face was overclouded with grief. 她的脸色因悲伤而变阴沉。