- Her divorce created a stir. 她的离婚产生了一阵骚动。
- Even in her later years, when the long-retired Tebaldi made courtesy calls in cities of past successes, she created a stir tantamount to that of heads of state. 即使在晚年,当退休已久的提芭蒂到过去成功演出的城市作礼节性拜访时,也造成如同国家元首般的轰动。
- Believe it or not, his discovery had created a stir in scientific circles. 信不信由你,他的发现在科学界引起了轰动。
- He had created a stir unlike any other zealot with messianic tendencies. 祂所造成的轰动不同于任何其他好像是弥赛亚的犹太狂热分子。
- She has a very detached attitude to her divorce. 她对她离婚有非常超然的态度。
- Once the Australian novel My Brilliant Career was published,it immediately created a stir in the Australian literary field. 澳大利亚小说《我的光辉生涯》一经出版,便轰动了整个澳洲文坛。
- I've heard whispers about her divorce. 我听到有关她离婚的谢意。
- After her divorce she reverted to her maiden name. 她离婚后又重新使用娘家的姓。
- The news caused quite a stir in the village. 那消息在村里引起了一片混乱。
- In China, "Super Girl" created a stir from bamboo-forest villages to the crab shacks of Shanghai and is seen as a new phenomenon. 在中国, “超级女声”创造了轰动竹森林村庄的螃蟹棚屋和上海被看作是一个新现象。
- Give me the low-down on her divorce. 把她离婚的实情告诉我吧。
- The software isn't restricted to China, but with many users owning illegitimate copies it has created a stir online there. 这个软件并不是只在中国运行,但是因为中国有为数众多的盗版,所以在中国引起了轩然大波。
- Since her divorce,Mary has been a bag of nerves. 玛丽离婚以来,一直性情烦躁不安。
- Such a talk created quite a stir. 诸如此类的论调喧嚣一时。
- She tends to sheer away from any discussion of her divorce. 一谈到她离婚的事她就尽量转换话题。
- That remark created a stir. 发言引起了一阵骚动
- Her resignation caused quite a stir. 她的辞职引起很大震动。
- She feels very mixed-up about life since her divorce. 自离婚后,她对人生感到很迷茫。
- His resignation created quite a stir. 他的辞职引起相当大的骚动。
- Her new novel makes a stir throughout the country. 她的新小说在全国引起轰动。