- Her comments still rankled. 她的评价仍然让人耿耿于怀。
- The insult still rankled in his mind. 他对那次受辱仍耿耿於怀。
- His decision to sell the land still rankled with her. 他要把地卖掉的决定仍然使她痛心。
- That phrase had stuck in her mind all these years, and still rankled. 这些年来,这句话一直萦绕在她的脑子里,仍然使她心痛。
- Her comments had torpedoed the deal. 她的一番话使得那笔交易彻底告吹。
- The price paid by the Canadians still rankled. 加拿大人之牺牲,至今仍有余痛。
- Her comments earned a50- second standing ovation. 演讲完毕,全场起立鼓掌五十秒之久。
- The insult still rankled in his mind . 她担心其后果而惴惴不安.
- Her comments touched off a wave of protests. 她的评论触发了一阵抗议的浪潮。
- Stone why her comments had caused such an uproar. 她为艾滋病筹集了一千万美元。
- Sontag later apologized for her comments. 桑塔格后来为此向公众表示道歉。
- The insult that his sister hurled at him still rankled in his mind. 他妹妹对他的辱骂使他仍耿耿于怀。
- Her comment was uncomfortably close to the truth. 她的评论逼近真相,令人局促不安。
- The insult still rankles in his mind. 他对那次受辱仍然耿耿于怀。
- Close to home Her comment hit close to home. 她的评论深得人心。
- B: You blew her comment out of proportion. 你把她的说法讲得太夸张了。
- Her comment evoked protests from the shocked listeners. 她的评论引起震惊的听众的抗议。
- Her comments provoked (an) uproar from the audience. 她的评论激起了听众的鼓噪。
- Her comments will add to the uncertainty of the situation. 她的批评将会使局势更加不稳定。
- "I don't know why you're so happy this morning," said Suellen crossly, for the thought still rankled in her mind that she would look far better in Scarlett's green silk dancing frock than its rightful owner would. "我不明白你今天早晨为什么如此快活,"苏伦表示反感地说,因为她心里还在痛苦地嘀咕:要是她穿上思嘉那件新的绿色绸舞衣,她会比思嘉漂亮得多。