- Her brows knit in thought. 她眉头紧锁地深思着。
- With every day that passed, the bride became gloomier and quieter, with her brows knit in concentration. 总之,日子一天天过去,新娘越来越忧伤、越来越沉默,她紧皱眉头,好像要集中注意力,思考什么。
- He furrowed his brow in thought. 他皱起眉头思考。
- She wrinkled her brows in concentration. 她蹙额皱眉, 陷入沉思。
- She gathered her brows into a frown. 她皱起了眉。
- Her brow furrowed in concentration. 她眉头紧锁全神贯注。
- The little girl knit her brows for a moment and then gave the correct answer. 小女孩皱了一下眉头,然后作出正确的回答。
- To wrinkle the brow,as in thought or displeasure. 皱眉沉思或不高兴时皱起眉毛
- Perspiration started out on her brow. 她额上沁出了汗珠。
- Bela's brows knit as she puzzled over the symbols. 在贝拉苦苦思索这些符号的含义时,她一直眉头紧锁。
- To wrinkle the brow, as in thought or displeasure. 皱眉沉思或不高兴时皱起眉毛
- She keeps her knitting in a bag. 她把自己在编结的东西放在袋子里。
- He looked up at the azure and was lost in thought. 他抬头看着蓝天,沉思起来。
- She heaved a sigh and became lost in thought. 她叹了口气,随即陷入了沉思。
- He spentseveral minutes in thought before deciding. 他考虑了几分钟才做决定。
- The towering Bela's brows knit ominously as she glared down at him. 贝拉死死的盯住了他,高吊的眉毛皱在了一起,让人害怕。
- But she, with a pucker in her brows, was watching Rhett. 可思嘉正蹙着眉头在看瑞德。
- When the light came on again, Wu Sun-fu was lying alone on the sofa, his brows knit in a frown and his eyes staring vacantly 到那电灯再亮的时候,吴荪甫独自躺在沙发上,皱着眉头发楞。
- He was so absorbed in thought that he ran against a passerby. 他全神贯注地想心事,以至于和一个行人撞了个满怀。
- When the light came on again, Wu sun.fu was lying alone on the sofa, his brows knit in a frown and his eyes staring vacantly 到那电灯再亮的时候,吴荪甫独自躺在沙发上,皱着眉头发楞。