- Her baby was already awake. 她的婴孩已经醒了。
- The mother who held her baby was cooing softly. 母亲对着怀里的孩子轻声低语。
- Her baby was deliveredby her own doctor. 她的婴儿是由她自己的医生给接生的。
- Her baby was delivered by her own doctor. 她的婴儿是由她自己的医生给接生的。
- She elected to return to work after her baby was born. 她决定孩子出生后再去做工作。
- Her baby was rent away from her arms by a brutal bandit. 她的婴儿被一个野蛮的强盗从她怀里抢走。
- Mary was like the side of a house just before her baby was born. 玛丽生孩子前可真是身躯硕大。
- She looked into the room and saw her baby was in bed. 她朝房间里望去,看见她小孩在睡觉。
- A:I saw Suzie yesterday and told her that her baby was cute. 我昨天遇见苏西,并跟她说她的小宝贝很可爱。
- She was in labour for two hours before her baby was finally born. 她分娩了两个小时, 才生下婴儿。
- Her baby was labored and delivered in under 40 minutes! 她的孩子从分娩到出生只用了不到四十分钟!
- Helen was in labour for eight hours before her baby was finally born. 海伦生了8个小时才把孩子生下来。
- Though her baby was unwell, she managed to pull away from him to attend an important meeting. 虽然她的婴儿有病,她还是脱身离去出席一个重要会议。
- Though her baby was unwell,she managed to pull away from him to attend an important meeting. 虽然她的婴儿有病,她还是脱身离去出席一个重要会议。
- Her baby was sleeping in its basket. She wanted to cook some vegetables quickly for lunch before the baby woke up. 她的孩子正在摇篮里睡觉。她想在孩子醒来之前,快点炒些菜吃中餐。
- Seeing that her baby was fast asleep, the young mother left the room, quick and gentle. 一看到婴儿睡熟了,年轻的母亲轻快、温柔地离开了房间。
- At 6:00 a.m. I was already wide awake. 早晨六点我已经完全清醒了。
- The little baby was frightened by the fierce dog. 那个小孩被恶狗吓坏了。
- Her baby has bonny and bright blue eyes. 她的孩子有一双美丽而明亮的蓝眼睛。
- His dinner jacket was already laid out on the bed. 他的晚礼服已经摆在床上了。