- Help out with a campaign. 帮助参选的团体。
- He came out with a troop of followers. 他带着一大群随从走出来。
- His latest work came out with a bang. 他最近出的一本书很受欢迎。
- We can separate the stones out with a sieve. 我们可以用一个筛子把石头分离出来。
- He came out with a stream of abuse. 他讲了一连串的污言秽语。
- Jim came out with a strange remark. 吉姆忽然讲出一番奇怪的话来。
- They promised to help out with the preparation. 他们都保证帮我做准备工作。
- The business bombed out with a$25,000 debt. 生意失败了,还欠了25000美元的债。
- I think Mr. Smith can help out with this. 我想史密斯先生能代理。
- His business bombed out with a$50,000 debt. 他的生意失败了,欠了5万美元的债。
- I help out with the secretarial work. 我帮忙做秘书工作。
- The press came out with a new dictionary. 这家出版社出了一部新字典。
- I mostly help out with English Wikipedia. 我多半跟英文维基百科帮忙。
- The cork came out with a loud pop. 瓶塞啪的一声拔了出来。
- The water came out with a spurt. 水喷了出来。
- She wore a floppy straw hat, tricked out with a yellow ribbon. 她戴着一顶装饰着黄色花边的松软草帽。
- He made out with a defective tool and still got the job done. 他将就使用一件不完善的工具而仍然完成了任务。
- If you want to help out with writing articles, read this page. 如果你想合作写文章,请阅读本页。
- Help out with the cleanliness and order of the home. 帮助做家务,打扫和收拾房间。
- He came out with a most extraordinary story the other day. 几天前,他讲了一个非常离奇的故事。