- Helicopter Landing Site 直升机降落场
- The helicopter landed with Joe at the controls. 直升飞机在乔的操纵下降落。
- Can a helicopter land and take off there? 直升机能降落和起飞吗?
- The Twin Squirrel helicopter was heading to a private landing site near Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, when it vanished from radar. 那部直升机原计划飞往剑桥郡的彼得堡附近的一个私密降落点,但在途中它从雷达中消失。
- A Ka-28 ASW/SAR helicopter landing on the Project 956 destroyer. 在956型驱逐舰上的Ka-28“反潜战/搜索和援救”(ASW/SAR)直升飞机着舰。
- All of the helicopter landing skids must be within the landing circle. 降落时脚架需完全落在圆形的降落区内。
- The helicopter landed before our astonished eyes. 直升机就降落在我们眼前,令人十分惊讶。
- Within the tower, there will be a laboratory, living accommodation and a helicopter landing station. 钢塔内有实验室,生活设施和直升飞机着陆站。
- Jet planes cannot he stacked up at the landing site while awaiting landing instructions. 不能在喷气式飞机等候着陆指令时让它们在着陆点上空分层盘旋。
- In the pray, quick gets down safely at heart, until the helicopter landing, I is also absentminded. 心里在祈祷,快平平安安下来吧,直到直升机落地,我还失魂落魄。”
- That captain, with a pen in hand, recorded the times of the helicopter landing and takeoff from time to time. 那个军官手里握着笔,不时地记录着直升机降落和起飞的次数。
- Wants to know of more products or designs, please landing site of the company or shops. 预了解更多产品或图案,请登陆本公司商铺或网站。
- Any part of the helicopter landing skids must be within the one (1) meter/yard landing circle. 保持平滑且稳定的下降速度,朝直径1公尺的圆形降落区降落。
- The lander will study whether the landing site could have supported primitive life. 探测器将会研究登陆的地方是否支持原始的生命出现。
- Onlookers scooped up their children, picnics and dogs to race to the landing site as Rossy posed for photographs. 当罗斯摆开姿势让大家拍照的时候,观众们领着他们的孩子,带着狗以及夜餐用具,争相向着陆点跑去。
- Adjacent to each center would be an open area to serve as a helicopter landing zone for patient evacuation and the resupply of equipment. 相邻中心之间应该有一个可以充当直升机降落区的开放空地作为伤员疏散和装备补给之用。
- "An Apollo 17 astronaut examines enormous lunar boulders resting in a crater at the Taurus-Littrow landing site. 阿波罗17号登陆宇航员在着陆地点陶拉斯-利特罗环形坑(金牛座凹壑区)里检查一块巨大岩石。
- Therefore, the base lists as this year the helicopter land parachuting training the new topic. 为此,今年基地将直升机陆地跳伞训练列为新课目。
- Once a landing site is established,freighters will be dispatched to begin construction of a base and colony complex. 一旦一着陆地点被建立,货船将被分派开始基础和殖民地建筑群的建造。
- A large clearing was prepared as a helicopter landing pad for Mr.Bongo to come and lay the first stone for the dam, according to local officials. 据当地官员说,已备好一大片空地,当彭高来此帮大坝破土、打下第一块基石的直升机升降台。