- Helicopter Flight Director 直升机飞行指挥仪
- Or of the helicopter flight to Goma, or the plane ride to Nairobi. 对乘直升飞机飞往戈马和乘飞机飞往内罗毕也不记得了。
- Gentex HGU 56-P Helicopter Flight Crew Helmet.US Army. 现役美国新直升机头盔......
- So, the NASA flight director told them they were "go" for the moon. 于是,国家航空和航天局的飞行指挥员告诉他们准备“飞向”月球。
- IT WAS on a helicopter flight from Mumbai to Goa that Captain G. 在一次从孟买到果阿的飞行中,机长G.
- Comparison of Induced Velocity Models for Helicopter Flight Mechanic. 直升机飞行力学诱导速度模型的比较。
- AUTOPILOT FLIGHT DIRECTOR SYSTEM, An integrated system containing autopilot and flight director functions. 自动驾驶飞行指引系统,一个综合自动驾驶和飞行指引功能的系统。
- No, I do not; but I see it from the air. I take a helicopter flight over manhattan. It is fantastic. 没有,但我从飞机上看到它了。我坐直升飞机在曼哈顿区上空飞行。真叫人目眩神迷。
- No,I did not; but I saw it from the air. I took a helicopter flight over Manhattan. it was fantastic. 没有,但我从飞机上看到它了。我坐直升飞机在曼哈顿区上空飞行。真叫人目眩神迷。
- No,I do not; but I see it from the air. I take a helicopter flight over manhattan. It is fantastic. 没有,但我从飞机上看到它了。我坐直升飞机在曼哈顿区上空飞行。真叫人目眩神迷。
- No, I did not ; but I saw it from the air. I took a helicopter flight over Manhattan . it was fantastic . 没有,但我从飞机上看到它了。 我坐直升飞机在曼哈顿区上空飞行。 真叫人目眩神迷。
- No, I did not ; but I saw it from the air. I took a helicopter flight over Manhattan. it was fantastic. 没有,但我从飞机上看到它了。我坐直升飞机在曼哈顿区上空飞行。真叫人目眩神迷。
- It is only a short helicopter flight from the center of town to the factory site. 从城镇中心到工厂,坐直升飞机一小会就到。
- Thanks for your comment, Rafal! The picture was taken during a helicopter flight! 注册后发表评论。如果您已经注册,请登录。
- Transport agencies announce helicopter flights by e-mail. 运输机构通过电子邮件向直升机发出通报。
- A new inner/outer loop structure is proposed, and its application to the design of helicopter flight control system is described. 提出了一种新型的内/外回路控制结构,系统地阐述了此结构在直升机控制系统中的应用。
- The present application of armed helicopter flight training simulation equipments is restricted because of the expensiveness and functional singleness. 摘要现有武装直升机飞行模拟训练设备价格昂贵、功能单一,因而其应用受到限制。
- The swashplate is a device that translates the pilots commands via the helicopter flight controls into motion of the main rotor blades. 斜盘式的是一个转换装置,飞行员通过命令直升机飞行控制到运动的主旋翼叶片。
- Padfield, G.. D., Helicopter Flight Dynamics: The Theory and Application of Flying Qualities and Simulation Modeling, England, AIAA,1996. 邱岱玮,”直升机动态模拟的建立”,国立成功大学航空太空工程学系硕士论文,民国八十七年六月。
- AFDC Autopilot Flight Director Computer 自动驾驶飞行指示计算机