- The Heihe River Basin,located in the northwestern China,is an area of typical arid to semiarid features. 土地沙漠化,是制约我国社会、经济和人民生活可持续发展的严重问题之一,特别是在生态环境脆弱的西北干旱区的内陆河流域。
- This method is used to appraisal water resources allocution in Heihe river basin, its result is good. 该方法被应用于黑河流域水资源配置方案评价,取得了较好的效果。
- Shortage of water resources and eco-environment degradation were the serious situation in Heihe River Basin. 摘要水资源短缺和生态环境恶化已成为黑河流域面临的严重问题。
- This paper applies the Visual GIS technology to the flying simulation of digital river basin. It is a case of the Heihe River Basin. 以黑河流域为例 ,将 VR- gis技术应用在数字流域的飞行模拟中。
- Grey Connectivity Analysis and Topological Prediction of Forest Eco-Environment at Qilian Mountains and Runoff Amount in Heihe River Basin. 祁连山森林生态环境与黑河流域径流量的灰色关联分析和拓扑预测
- According to historical records, as early as the crowd there are more than 4000 years ago, thriving in the Heihe River Basin. 据史料记载,早在4000多年前就有人群在黑河流域繁衍生息。
- The model is applied in 7th chapter to evaluate allocation plans of Heihe River Basin water resources, and offers recommendatory allocation plan. 第七章运用模型对黑河流域水资源配置方案进行评价,给出推荐配置方案;
- The ineffectiveness of management system of wetland resources in Heihe river basin has led to destruction and sharp decline of wetland resources,and drop in ecological quality. 黑河流域湿地资源由于管理体系不完善;造成了湿地资源的破坏、锐减和生态质量下降.;使得黑河流域湿地资源的保护所面临的形势不容乐观。
- To seize the western region development and comprehensive management of the Heihe River Basin of the historical opportunity, a three-year total of 8200 acres of forests. 抓住西部大开发和黑河流域综合治理的历史机遇,三年共完成退耕还林8200亩。
- The preliminary application shows that the prediction model can meet the requirement of real-time allocation of water resources in the Heihe River Basin. 在黑河流域水资源实时调度需水计算中进行了初步应用,结果表明该模型能满足流域水资源实时调度的需要。
- The paper summarizes the advances of basin water resources real-time allocation, and expatiates the necessity and the development of the water resources management in Heihe River basin. 摘要系统地总结了流域水资源实时调度的研究现状和调度的基本理论依据。
- The middle reach of Heihe River basin 黑河中游
- middle reaches of Heihe river basin 黑河干流中游
- The proportion of glacial meltwater runoff in the four typical river basins of the Heihe River water system to the mountainous runoff in 2006 was estimated to 9. 23倍;依据径流模数估算出2006年冰川融水径流在黑河4条支流出山径流量中的比重为9。
- the middle reaches of Heihe River Basin 黑河干流中游
- Study on Grassland Grazing Capacity in the Heihe River Basin 黑河流域草地承载力研究
- Keywords Heihe River basin;water resources;environment; 黑河流域;水资源;生态环境;
- Comparison of Atmospheric Data Scaling Transfer Scheme in Heihe River Basin 黑河流域大气资料尺度转换的对比分析
- Keywords non-point source pollution;land use;lost rate;Heihe river basin; 非点源污染;土地利用;入河系数;黑河流域;