- Heibei province is not very far away from Beijing. 河北省离北京不是很远。
- YAPEAR, a specialty in heibei province, and is primary export fruit. 鸭梨是河北的特产水果,也是我国主要出口水果之一。
- It was a middle-maturing variety sowing in summer of Heibei Province. 该品种属河北省中熟夏播大豆品种。
- This is the development state of affairs that Heibei province releases Internet trade systematically first. 这是河北省首次系统地发布互联网行业的发展情况。
- Daxigou gold deposit is one of the important gold deposits found recently in the northern Heibei Province. 大西沟金矿床是冀北地区近几年来新发现的重要金矿床之一。
- Heibei province is short of water resources.In some areas water pollution is serious,especially in rural areas. 河北省水资源紧缺,局部水污染严重,农村水环境问题日益突出。
- Objective To analyze the prevalence,features,and trend of HIV/AIDS in a certain city of Heibei Province. 目的分析某市艾滋病病毒/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)流行现状、特征及趋势。
- Fertilizer applications were investigated and soil nutrients were determined under Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar in Changli County of Heibei Province. 摘要试验采用实地调查和土壤测定的方法,研究了河北省昌黎县赤霞珠葡萄产区土壤养分和施肥状况。
- According to divulging, this kind of joinery board be production of company of estate of Tai Xinyuan timber of Heibei province Xing. 据透露,这种细木工板是河北省邢台鑫源木业公司生产的。
- It is estimated that the using of the softwares in Heibei province has improved the quality of the fruit whose yied has been risen 5%-10%. 经过分析与调查该系统的软件在我省林果产区的广泛应用,在林果产品的质量大大提高的同时,产量提高5-10%25.
- Seven herbage species with wind-sand resistance from Tibet could grow normally in northwestern Heibei province in summer and autumn. 沙生地蔷薇、波伐早熟禾出苗较整齐,其他品种相对较差。
- Product of Heibei province electron is supervised examine the courtyard detects discovery, partial magnet has magnetic field energy really. 河北省电子产品监督检验院检测发现,部分磁石确实有磁场能量。”
- MANCHENG COUNTY SENLING TRADING CO., LTD located in Mancheng County, Heibei Province where is near to Tianjin Port and Qingdao Port. 满城县senling贸易有限公司是一家领先的中国供应商再造厕纸,大型轧辊及手抹手纸。
- Big thrust of the government is moved for Heibei province Internet development created favorable exterior development environment. 政府的大力推动为河北省互联网发展创造了良好的外部发展环境。
- Heibei province regards a resource as big province, land resource and resource industry has the effect that cannot replace in can develop the strategy continuously. 河北省作为一个资源大省,国土资源及资源型产业在可持续发展战略中具有不可替代的作用。
- The cost that original Heibei province breeds egg chicken is higher, "SARS " brought the plumper of egg price again, make raised gallinaceous door not less to fall fall. 本来河北省养殖蛋鸡的成本比较高,"非典"又带来了蛋价的猛跌,使不少养鸡户栽了跟头。
- According to the analysis, value of Heibei province paper lasts first quarter fall after a rise is provisionality, paper value continues to rise still inevitable. 据分析,一季度河北省纸张价格持续回落是暂时性的,纸张价格继续上涨仍不可避免。
- Liubei said, “Yeah, I am an eaglet flying from the field of Zhuozhou, Heibei province, and now facing a rebirth after four years study in this Changjiang River, which can be regarded as an eggshell. 刘备说:“是啊,我这只从河北涿州田野上飞来的雏鹰,在长江大学这个蛋壳里经过四年的学习,现在面临着又一次的新生呢!”
- After the second Opium War in 1860, TianJin was regarded as a commercial port.Experiencing hundred years of trouble and turmoil,until 1928 TianJin became the capital city of HeiBei province. 直到1860年第二次鸦片战争后,天津被辟为通商口岸,可谓历经了数百年的沧桑,直至1928年,将天津定位为河北省省会。
- In Heibei province, be in Tang Shan city, be in China's vaster area even, mention glorious career, a lot of people always should think of auroral group, think of Zhang Chun to come. 在河北省,在唐山市,甚至在中国更广大的地区,一提起光彩事业,许多人总要想到曙光集团,想到张春来。