- The current situation is more complex and chaotic than in the past, when the two hegemonist powers were contending for world domination. 过去两霸争夺世界,现在比那个时候要复杂得多,乱得多。
- The current situation is more complex and chaotic than in the past,when the two hegemonist powers were contending for world domination. 过去两霸争夺世界,现在比那个时候要复杂得多,乱得多。
- Abstract: There seems to be a contradiction in the association between McDonald's advertising and hegemonic power. 将麦当劳和霸权联系起来似乎很矛盾。
- "I would like the United States to live up to the responsibilities of its hegemonic power because it is not going to give up its hegemonic power, "he says. 他说:"我希望美国能够承担起作为霸权国家的职责,因为美国不会放弃自己的霸权地位。
- If McDonald's carries hegemonic power, why do Chinese who have a strong sense of national identity and culture succumb to it? 如果麦当劳在推行霸权,具有强烈的民族情感和文化意识的中国人为什么还会屈从于这种霸权呢?
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- China has a perfect right to spend as much on weaponry as it likes, and such a fleet represent a logical safeguard against the hegemonic power of the US. 中国完全有权按照自己的意愿设定军费,而且这样一支舰队是对美国霸权的合理防范。
- In this context, the academic debate over Stern's methods is irrelevant - it is his findings, authority and use of the hegemonic power of economic argument that carry the day. 在这种背景下,对斯特恩方法的争论是不切题的----切题的是他的发现,也就是得胜的经济论点的权威性和支配权。
- While the US struggles to retain its hegemonic power, the Chinese will try to reinforce the impression that they will soon take over as world number one. 美国要力保霸主地位,而中国将力图加深人们的印象:他们很快就会取代美国,成为世界第一。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- The conventional forms of containment action against the rising hegemonic power, like the arms race and the formation of military alliance, do not appear noticeably in the post-Cold War era. 冷战后制衡美国的传统均势行动,如军备竞赛与大国同盟并没有明显出现,这是因为均势的生成机制与表现方式发生变化。
- In this view of the world economy, savings are not a driving force, as in the savings-glut hypothesis, but a passive result of excess money creation by the system's hegemonic power. 在这种全球经济视角中,储蓄不是推动力(就像在储蓄过剩假说中那样),而是系统中的霸权国家过度货币创造的被动结果。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- The United States felt uncomfortable with the international institutions of the interwar period, in part because they were aligned with the interests of the old hegemonic power, Britain. 美国在世界大战期间与国际联盟组织相处的并不愉快,导致这一局面的部分原因是由于美国当时和老牌霸主英国是盟友。
- Historically, China and America have been hegemonic powers able to set their own agendas essentially unilaterally. 在历史上,中国和美国都曾经是可以基本上单方面制定自己的议程的霸权。
- There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了。
- A new nuclear power station is on the stocks here. 这座新的核电站在建造之中。
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- The media have a lot of power today. 现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。