- Leave him alone. He is heavily drunk. 不管他了,他已经喝得烂醉如泥。
- Police noticed the millionaire seemed heavily drunk after asking him to move his yellow Ferrari, which was badly parked near the seafront. 警察在要求他移动他乱停在海滨附近的黄色法拉利后,注意到这名百万富豪似乎烂醉如泥。
- People who drive when they are drunk should be heavily penalized. 对酒醉开车者应予重罚。
- He Le Qi Fen Zui Drank till heavily drunk 喝了七分醉
- The company was heavily in hock to the banks. 这家公司欠了银行大笔借款。
- He was run in for drunk and disorderly behaviour. 他因酗酒滋事而被拘留。
- The flight was heavily overbooked. 该班机订位已超员。
- The ship was rolling heavily to and fro. 那船晃来晃去很不平稳。
- Will you partake of a drink with us? 和我们一同喝一杯好吗?
- He always swears and blasphemes when he's drunk. 他酒醉后总是骂骂咧咧亵渎神灵。
- Taxation bears heavily on all classes in Britain. 税收使英国各阶层均感压迫。
- She also throws up to me the time I get drunk. 她还反复向我提我那次喝醉酒的事情。
- He took advantage of her while she was drunk. 在她喝醉时,他诱奸了她。
- The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily. 一下大雨地窖里就灌满了水。
- He wasn't drunk, he was goofing off. 他并未喝醉,而是茫然出神。
- Taxation bears heavily on us all. 交税成了我们大家的沉重负担。
- The country depends heavily on its tourist trade. 这个国家的经济在很大程度上依靠其旅游业。
- People become uninhibited when they drink. 人一喝酒就会变得肆无忌惮。
- The crime lies heavily on his conscience. 那罪行沉重地压在他心上。
- He appears to have drunk a lot of liquor. 他似乎喝得醉醺醺的。