- Heat and cold, dusks and downs, this is my lot. 我想象一个陶瓷做的杯子。我倒出温热的酒,优雅地啜了一口。
- This tooth on the lower jaw is sensitive to heat and cold. 下颚的这颗牙齿对冷热很敏感。
- The Shanghai air conditioner is a happy family's friend in heat and cold. “上海”空调,完美家庭的冷暖知己。
- Experts have testified to the excellent performance of the machine at extremes of heat and cold. 专家们已经证实了该机器在极端高温和低温条件下的卓越性能。
- The average temperature falls between the highest and lowest points of heat and cold. 平均温度是指最高温度和最低温度之间的温度。
- To look for a friend in heat and cold, an air conditioner, please come to our shop. 欲觅冷暖知己,请到家用空调器商店来。
- Then,first,men suffered the extremes of heat and cold,and houses became necessary. 于是人们首先尝到了酷暑严寒之苦,不得不找一个蔽身之所。
- To produce snow requires both heat and cold;the first to evaporate, the second to condense(John Lubbock. 雪的形成需要热和冷两个条件;前者起蒸发作用,后者起凝结作用(约翰 卢布克)。
- "To produce snow requires both heat and cold; the first to evaporate, the second to condense" (John Lubbock). “雪的形成需要热和冷两个条件;前者起蒸发作用,后者起凝结作用”(约翰·卢布克)。
- Hot and cold are contrary terms. 热与冷是相反的词语。
- To produce snow requires both heat and cold;the first to evaporate,the second to condense(John Lubbock. 雪的形成需要热和冷两个条件;前者起蒸发作用,后者起凝结作用(约翰·卢布克)。
- Alas: we have no wine and the wine of memory is thin. Heat and cold, dusks and downs, this is my lot. 唉:我们没有酒,记忆中的酒也很淡薄。炎热与寒冷,黄昏与黎明,这就是我的命运。
- Advanced properties include high resistance to heat and cold, non-flammability, superior adhesion, and machine-ability. 产品还包括有较高的抗热性和抗寒性、难燃性,良好的粘着力和易加工性。
- Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold. 水加热则成为蒸汽,冷却则成为冰。
- Then, first, men suffered the extremes of heat and cold, and houses became necessary. 于是人们首先尝到了酷暑严寒之苦,不得不找一个蔽身之所。
- Our constructed environments shield us from heat and cold and protect us from predators. 我们所建造的环境庇护我们免于严寒酷暑,保护我们免于食肉动物的侵害。
- Reversal of the perception of heat and cold is characteristic of Ciguatera fish poisoning. 痛觉和冷觉的错位是拉美鱼肉毒中毒的特征。
- He arrived looking pinched with hunger and cold. 他到达时看上去又饿又冷。
- The explorers were faint from hunger and cold. 探险者们因饥寒交迫而委顿不堪。
- To improve the heat and cold resistance of polyacrylate, a novel copolymer of polyacrylate/polysiloxane was prepared. 摘要为了提高聚丙烯酸酯的耐寒热性能,制备了新型聚丙烯酸酯/聚硅氧烷共聚物。