- On Tang Jun-Yi's Aesthetics Based on the Theory of "Heart as Noumenon" 唐君毅"心本体"论美学思想论析
- May the Christmas season touch your heart as it has mine. 但愿圣诞节会感动你,正如它感动我一样。
- We had better learn by heart as many sentence patterns as we can. 我们最好尽可能多背句型。
- People may lose heart as the work mounts up. 当工作量增大时,人们可能会失去信心。
- "Heart as Noumenon" “心本体”
- Mrs. Macbeth has a heart as hard as flint. 麦克白夫人生来一副铁石心肠。
- Heart as Noumenon “心本体”
- My heart as a monk's cell so empty and bare. 我的心仿佛是空荡荡的修道士的房间。
- He has a heart as hard as flint. 他有一副铁石心肠。
- They have our interest at heart as we have theirs. 他们关心我们的利益,我们也关心他们的利益。
- Regarding comprehension as noumenon ontology is the beginning of indefinite meaning of text. 理解的本体论上升是意义不确定性的荫生起点。
- Ex. Mrs. Macbeth has a heart as hard as flint. 译文:麦克白夫人生来一副铁石心肠。
- How great is God in your heart as His believer? 一个追求信仰的你,你心里的上帝有多大?
- As noumenon, "silence" functions in "voicing out", and when its function touches "sincerity" and "timeliness", the noumenon will appear naturally. 当发用兼顾到"诚"与"时"两种因素时,本体自然就呈现了。
- Pity welled up in her heart as she watched the poor child. 她看着这个穷孩子,怜悯之心油然而生。
- A leaden weight lay on her heart as she waved him goodbye. 她向他挥手道别时,心情十分沉重。
- We had heavy hearts as we went to a funeral. 我们怀着沉重的心情参加葬礼。
- We had very heavy hearts as we went to the funeral. 我们去参加葬礼时心情非常沉重。
- They are merciless, with hearts as hard as nails. 他们冷酷无情,铁石心肠。
- Fear rose up in our hearts as the teacher came up. 老师走近了,我们心里害怕起来。