- Experience has proved that this is a proper method to maintain the health of children. 实践证明,这是一种较为适宜的儿童保健工作方法。
- Fresh air and nutritious food are beneficial especially to the health of children. 新鲜空气和营养食品对孩子的健康特别有益。
- China has adopted practical measures to develop hygienic and health care undertakings for children, protecting the life and health of children. 中国采取切实措施,发展儿童卫生保健事业,保障儿童的生命健康。
- This present study further proves that the health of children and adolescents will affect their ability to learn. 此项调查进一步证实学童健康会影响其学习能力。
- China has adopted practical measures to develop hygienic and health care undertakings for children,protecting the life and health of children. 中国采取切实措施,发展儿童卫生保健事业,保障儿童的生命健康。
- The latest survey shows that some TV plays encourage violence, and they are harmful to physical and mental health of children. 最新的调查显示一些电视剧助长暴力,有害于孩子们的身心健康。
- We must drink to the health of the bride. 我们要为新娘的健康干杯。
- Respiratory syncytial virus and adenovirus are two causes of pediatric common lower respiratory tract infection, threatening the health of children. 呼吸道合胞病毒和腺病毒是小儿常见的下呼吸道感染的两个病原,严重威胁小儿的健康。
- Let us drink to the health of our father. 让我们举杯为父亲祝福。
- From all around we heard the laughter of children. 我们到处都听见儿童的笑声。
- The development of the fancy toy industry and cultivation of the fancy toy market can promote physical and moral health of children. 对于促进儿童身心健康成长,发展儿童益智玩具产业,培育良好的儿童益智玩具市场将产生深远的影响。
- I propose a toast to the health of the guests. 我提议为来宾的健康干一杯。
- I come upon a group of children play in the street. 我遇到一群孩子在街上玩耍。
- To ensure the health of children,China has taken great steps to develop health care for women and children and improve the health-care level of kindergartens and nurseries. 为保障儿童的生命健康,国家大力发展妇幼保健事业,加强托儿所、幼儿园的卫生保健和保育水平。
- To ensure the health of children, China has taken great steps to develop health care for women and children and improve the health-care level of kindergartens and nurseries. 为保障儿童的生命健康,国家大力发展妇幼保健事业,加强托儿所、幼儿园的卫生保健和保育水平。
- Doctors for Environment Australia found that over the next decade the health of children and the elderly would be most at risk from rising temperatures. 澳大利亚环境部的医生发现,在今后十年中健康儿童和老人的健康将因为气温上升而受到最大威胁。
- She's doing a study of children's speech. 她正在研究儿童说话现象。
- Abstract words are beyond the ken of children. 抽象的词语是幼童所无法理解的。
- The old man was surrounded by a troop of children. 老人被一群孩子围住了。
- A bunch of children were at play. 一群孩子在玩。