- Can you tell me a little about employee benefits such and the health in such as the health insurance program? 能告诉我关于健康保险之类的员工福利吗?
- Anthony T, Sasso L. The effect of the state children's health insurance program on health insurance coverage[J].J Health Econ, 2004, 23: 1059. 余文海.;美国的贫困医疗补助制度与美国儿童健康[J]
- Government-run health insurance program for the competition with the private insurance companies in order to drive down medical costs. 政府办的医疗保险计划,为的是跟私营保险公司竞争,以便压低医疗费用。
- In addition, Medicare, the federal health insurance program for the elderly and disabled, in January began to offer financial bonuses to doctors who use e-prescribing. 另外,针对老年人和残疾人的联邦健康保障规划的医疗保险,从一月份开始为使用电子处方的医生给予经济奖励。
- Jaff qualified for the Municipal Employees Health Insurance Program, offered by Connecticut to cover small-business owners as part of a plan for state employees. 这个保险项目是由康涅狄格州所提供,为小企业主提供保险保障,是州雇员方案的一部分。
- The Company will switch your home country health insurance program to Cigna International Expatriate Benefits program, the premium for which will be covered by the Company at 100%. 我老公外派协议中关于国际保险的条款,保险费100%25公司出,赔付比例没写,不过他在美国是100%25赔付,来中国应该一样吧。
- Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).This level also includes developing new health coverage products to encourage access to health care by providing financing and care management mechanisms. 孩子的健康保险计画 (SCHIP).;这同高者也包括发展中的新健康报导产品藉由提供鼓励接触医疗融资和照料管理机制。
- Our study demonstrated that the implementation of national health insurance program may play an important role in the decrease of both prevalence and incidence rates of thalassemia major in Taiwan. 本研究显示台湾罹患重型乙型海洋性贫血病患于全民健保实施后明显减少,而对于重型乙型海洋性贫血病患的照顾虽有进步,但仍有努力的空间。
- The House today has voted to expand the government-sponsored State Children's Health Insurance Program known as SCHIP for another four and a half years at a cost of 32. 3 billion dollars. 今天白宫已经投票决定延长实施SCHIP项目4年半,即政府资助国家儿童健康保险项目,共花费32,300,000,000美元。
- President Barack Obama signed the new rates into law on February 4 as part of the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009, which had been vetoed by his predecesesor. 奥巴马总统在2月4日把新税率签署为法律,这是2009年儿童医疗保险计划的一部分,该法令被其前任否决了。
- The basic health insurance programs involved 94 million people,17.7 million more than 2001. 全国参加基本医疗保险人数为9400万人,增加1770万人。
- The basic health insurance programs involved 94 million people, 17.7 million more than 2001. 全国参加基本医疗保险人数为9400万人,增加1770万人。
- As well, the undergraduate family practice education programs will prepare future physicians with the adaptations and the challenges of the National Health Insurance Program. 医事学生的家庭医学课程必须培养家庭医学团队的医疗服务人才以解决社区内的医疗保健需要。
- national health insurance program 国民健康保险计划
- The insurance companies paid an indemnity of 70.7 billion yuan as reparations in insurance programs,of which the indemnity of life insurance was 22.5 billion yuan,and that of health insurance was 5.0 billion yuan. 保险公司支付各类赔款及给付707亿元,其中,寿险业务给付225亿元,健康险赔款和给付50亿元。
- The two health insurance schemes have nothing at all in common. 这两个健康保险方案丝毫没有共同之处。
- The insurance companies paid an indemnity of 70.7 billion yuan as reparations in insurance programs, of which the indemnity of life insurance was 22.5 billion yuan, and that of health insurance was 5.0 billion yuan. 支付各类赔款及给付707亿元。 其中,寿险业务给付225亿元; 健康险赔款和给付50亿元;
- The fringe benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance. 这工作的附加福利包括一辆小汽车和免费健康保险。
- Receptionist: Do you have Ontario Health Insurance? 接待员:你有安大略省医疗保险吗?
- Given its limited coverage, the insurance program is incomplete. 失业保险目前因覆盖面窄而并不完备。