- Those nutrients counter the effect of pollutants in the air. 这些营养物质的影响柜台的污染物在空气中。
- Health effects of pollutants 污染物健康效应
- What are the health effects of melamine consumptions in humans? 三聚氰胺对人体健康有什么影响?
- How are people protected from possible health effects of ELF EMF? l该如何预防极低频电磁场可能对健康造成的危害?
- Yet averages between cities had served as the main measure of the long term effects of pollutants. 然而,调查是以成时间的平均污染物所产生的致病效果作为长期的研究源。
- Yet averages between cities have served as the main measure of the long-term effects of pollutants. 而城市间的平均水平已成为衡量污染物质的长期影响的主要手段。
- The adverse health effects of car exhaust are pervasive and difficult to measure. 汽车尾气对人类健康所构成的有害影响是普遍的,并且难以估算。
- They examined the health effects of foie gras, considered a luxury since ancient Egyptian times. 他们观察鹅肝酱对健康的影响,鹅肝酱是从古埃及时代就开始食用的美食。
- Dr.Amato is a specialist in the impact of human activities on marine benthic ecosystems, fate and effects of pollutants in these ecosystems. 阿马托是联合国派抵大马士革评估漏油冲击的专家之一,其专长是评估人类活动、污染事件对海底生态的冲击。
- Meeting electrical demand, health effects of electric and magnetic fields, hydroelectricity and the environment. 电 力 需 求 的 满 足 、 电 场 及 磁 场 对 健 康 的 影 响 、 水 力 发 电 及 环 境 。
- JG Davis et al: Health Effects of Low-Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields. Oak Ridge Associated Universities, 1992. 当前没有文献指出,由家用电器、电视显像终端和当地高压电力输配线所产生的极低频率电磁场会危害健康。"
- Agricultural Research scientists in Maryland organized a nineteen-week study to identify the health effects of lycopene. 马里兰州的农业研究署的科学家们组织了一次为期19周的研究,目的是确定番茄红素对人体健康的影响。
- Effect of pollutants on physiology of marine invertebrates The project aims to introduce how pollutants, e.g. heavy metals, affect the physiology of marine invertebrates. 污染物对海洋无脊椎动物生理的影响本课题将会介绍污染物如重金属对海洋无脊椎动物生理的影响。
- Using the BMI is a more neutral and reliable method of comparing and analysing the health effects of body weight on people of different heights. 当我们需要比较及分析一个人的体重对于不同高度的人所带来的健康影响时,BMI值是一个中立而可靠的指标。
- BCH 2 Effect of pollutants on physiology of marine invertebrates The project aims to introduce how pollutants, e.g. heavy metals, affect the physiology of marine invertebrates. 污染物对海洋无脊椎动物生理的影响本课题将会介绍污染物如重金属对海洋无脊椎动物生理的影响。
- The portrait shows fine effects of light and shade. 这幅肖像画的浓淡色调表现得很好。
- "We're all interested in longevity," says Harburg, who's studied the health effects of spousal sparring for over 30 years. “人们都希望延年益寿,”已经在夫妇争吵对健康的影响议题上研究了30多年的哈勃格说道。
- Helferich has spent a decade evaluating the health effects of isoflavones, a class of plant estrogens present in high concentrations in soy. Helferich十年来一直从事有关异黄酮对健康影响的评价研究。异黄酮是一类植物雌激素,在大豆中含量丰富。
- He also hypothesizes that men's higher testosterone levels may protect against the negative health effects of a sleepless night. 他也假定男性的睾丸激素帮助克服了失眠对健康的负面影响。
- The industry felt the effects of the energy crisis. 该工业受到能源危机的影响。