- Factors analysis showed that both community factors and individual and household factors would influence women's antenatal health care Utilization. 因素分析结果显示,妇女分娩时期、妇女居住地以及妇女的家庭和个体特征影响妇女产前检查次数。
- It was found that the medicaid program has increased health care utilization and reduced Financial burden for the poor relative to the non-poor population. 结论:贫困医疗救助项目实施1年后,贫困人口就医的经济负担减轻,卫生服务利用率增加。
- Type of insurance, number of times receiving health care in the past year, and routine patterns of health care utilization were also associated with undetected diabetes. 保险类型,过去一年接受健康保健次数,和习惯的健康保健使用方式也与发现糖尿病有关。
- Thus, health care access, health care utilization, and exposure to risk and protective factors explain the SES/health gradient far less well than one might have guessed. 因此,健康照护的有无与使用程度,以及是否接触了风险与保护因子,远不如之前所认定的,可以解释社经地位与健康梯度之间的关联。
- To explore morbidity and health care utilization (HCU) among young adult males with OSA compared middle-aged OSA patients, over the five-year period preceding diagnosis.Case-Control prospective study. 调查比较成年男性阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)患者确诊之前年内,青年组和中年组的发病率和卫生服务利用(HCU)。前瞻性的病例对照研究。
- The NHI medical costs for the treatment of OSA were based on the health care utilization of patients whose main diagnosis codes were ICD9 780.51, 780.53 and 780.56, and 2,084 patients were identified. 全民健保给付睡眠呼吸中止症医疗成本之计算方面,本研究以主诊断为国际疾病分类代码780.;51和780
- Analysis of Equity on Health Care Utilization in Huize County 会泽县卫生服务利用的公平性研究
- Low utilization ratio of health care resources. 卫生资源利用效率不高。
- A book that treats all aspects of health care. 一本涉及健康护理各个方面的著作
- Analysis on oral health care utilization and expenditure of residents in Beijing 北京市城乡居民口腔医疗服务利用与费用分析
- Comparison of Health Status and Health Care Utilization Among Different-income Areas in Rural Gansu, China 甘肃省不同收入农村地区健康与卫生服务利用状况比较研究
- A Study on Medical Service Needed and Health Care Utilization in Zhungeer County of Inner Mongolia 准格尔旗居民卫生服务需求及卫生服务利用调查分析
- The discussion turned on the need for better public health care. 讨论环绕着改善公众卫生保健的必要性。
- 4. Thus, health care access, health care utilization, and exposure to risk and protective factors explain the SES/health gradient far less well than one might have guessed. 因此,健康照护的有无与使用程度,以及是否接触了风险与保护因子,远不如之前所认定的,可以解释社经地位与健康梯度之间的关联。收藏指正
- I watched a program about health care. 我看了一个有关卫生保健的节目。
- The State provides free education and health care. 政府实行免费教育和公费医疗制度。
- Health care reform is needed urgently. 卫生保健改革是迫切需要的。
- Health care is an extraordinarily obsolete system. 保健系统特别陈旧落后。
- Good health care is of primary importance. 良好的医疗保健是重中之重。
- Health care is a politically sensitive issue. 医疗卫生是政界的一个敏感问题。