- He was brimming with health and spirits. 他身体健康,精神饰有。
- And theFrontier Health and Quarantine Law. 国境卫生检疫法。
- The dog was bouncing with health and vitality. 那条狗又壮实又活跃,欢蹦乱跳的。
- His fame was bought at the expense of health and happiness. 他获得了名声牺牲了健康和幸福。
- There are curious parallels between medicine and law. 在医学和法律之间有著奇特的相似之处。
- Enjoyment of vigorous health and physical drives. 动物特性对强健的身体及活跃的身体机能的享受
- Summary of the Symposium on Children, Health and Law 儿童·健康·法律专题讨论会纪要
- Judges and law courts dispense justice justly. 法官和法庭公正执法。
- And Law of Attraction gives you more of what is. 而吸引力定律又会给你更多的"现在的状况".
- Liberty and law advance pari passu. 自由与法律以同等的比例发展。
- The young girl bloomed with health and beauty. 这位年轻姑娘显出健美的风采。
- The practice and law of international trade II. 国际贸易实务与法律2。
- We all desire health and happiness. 我们都渴望健康和幸福。
- I give you myself before preaching and law. 我把我自己交给你,在教义与法律面前。
- A luxuriant tan bespeaks health and glamour. 丰润的棕色皮肤是健康和魅力的标志。
- He was the leader and Law giver of Israel. 他是以色列的领袖;也给他们律法.
- Health and wealth create beauty. 美是由健康与财富创造的。
- I wish you health and success in the coming year. 祝你在新的一年里身体健康,事业成功。
- He bought fame at the cost of health and happiness. 他牺牲了健康和幸福换来了名誉。
- She was vibrant with health and enthusiasm. 她健康活泼生气勃勃。