- Head Fire Investigation Branch 火患调查科科长
- Hegang Coal Mine in Heilongjiang State Fu fire investigation team set up today. 国务院黑龙江鹤岗富华煤矿火灾事故调查组今天成立。
- Head Fire Fighting Specialist Branch 消防专科科长
- Head Fire Fighting Training Branch 消防培训科科长
- Head Financial Investigation Branch 金融调查组主任
- Head Technology Crime Investigation Branch 科技罪案调查组主任
- Does a fire investigator have to submit a written investigation report? 火灾调查员必须写书面调查报告吗?
- Fire Investigation Dogs, Sasha and Dexter, have been initially trained for the detection of hydrocarbon accelerant in Birmingham, UK in 2006. 水等6种残馀蒸发气味。经过领犬员的持续训练,莎莎和德仔将可嗅觉出多达十四种碳氢化合物助燃剂。
- The results indicated that the proper application of pattern recognition to the identification and classification of accelerant provided positive help in fire investigation. 研究表明:将模式识别方法正确地运用到助燃别鉴定和分类工作中有助于火灾调查。
- Keep a level head and phone the Fire Department. 保持冷静,打电话给消防署。
- British Air Accidents Investigation Branch 英国航空失事调查局
- British Accidents Investigation Branch 英国事故调查处
- She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她将头依偎在他的肩上。
- Fire investigators to do a better job markets that the cause of the fire work of reference. 为火灾调查人员进一步做好集贸市场火灾原因的认定工作提出参考。
- Fire investigator Jose Torero believes fire fighters need not be put in such danger and new technology could have saved lives that day. 火灾调查专家托雷罗相信通过新科技可以在911事发当天挽救更多的生命,并让消防员免于如此大的风险。
- It was not immediately clear what caused the blaze, but police and fire investigators were examining the scene for clues. 现在火灾的原因还不是很清楚,但是警察和火灾调查人员们正在现场查找线索。
- Our head office can put you in touch with a branch in your area. 我们总公司可安排您与当地分公司取得联系。
- The monkey was hanging head downwards from the branch. 猴子头向下倒挂在树枝上。
- Study on arson fire investigation technology 放火案鉴定技术研究
- The deer lowered its head to drink from the pond. 鹿低下头去喝池塘里的水。