- He defied his opponents to equal his record. 他问他的对手有没有本事平他的记录。
- He defied his opponents. 他公然反抗他的对手们。
- He always outfoxes his opponents at chess. 他下国际象棋总是胜人一筹。
- He took a few good-natured shies at his opponents. 他对他的对手并无恶意地嘲讽了几句。
- He did all he could to clean up on his opponents. 他想方设法要击败他的对手。
- He always defied his superiors . 他总是违抗上级。
- He defied the order of the court. 他蔑视法庭的命令。
- He blackens his opponents by giving them names. 他用起各种外号来诽谤他的对手。
- He is not charitable to his opponents. 他对他的对手毫不手软。
- He conceded the election to his opponents. 他承认他在竞选中输给对手。
- He confuted his opponents by facts and logic. 他以事实及推理证明对手是错误的。
- The bad weather defied his plan to enjoy sunshine. 糟糕的天气使他享受阳光的计划落了空。
- Somehow he always manages to outwit his opponents. 他反正总能设法智胜对手。
- The speaker is going to debate on Star War with his opponents. 讲演者将和他的对手辩论有关星球大战的问题。
- He lunged wildly at his opponent. 他疯狂地扑向对手。
- He expected to mop the floor with his opponents. 他期待能彻底击败他的对手。
- He hit back at his opponents in the debate. 在辩论中他积极反驳对手。
- He flung off his opponent thrice. 他把对手摔倒三次。
- He is slashing wildly at his opponent with a sword. 他正用剑疯狂地朝对手乱砍。
- He defeated his opponents in this election. 他在这次选举中击败了对手。