- He will most likely come right away. 他大概马上就会来。
- He will most likely come. 他大概马上就会来的。
- They will most likely come right away. 他们保不住马上就会来的。
- Future is unknown to us. But to some extent, we can foresee what will most likely come out. We should strive for the best. 未来对于我们来说是未知的。但某种程度上说,我们可以预测极有可能发生的事情。我们应该去争取最好的结局。
- I doubt that he will be the inspirational rightg winger we're all waiting for and that he will most likely turn out to be a second Vlad Smicer. 我觉得他是我们一直以来所期待的那种富有灵感的右边锋,并且他将会很快证明自己会成为第二个斯米切尔。
- Most likely he will lose his way. 很可能他会迷路。
- He willed most of his money to charities. 他把钱大多遗赠给慈善机构了。
- I will most likely be the mainsail trimmer. 很有可能是主帆撂手。
- The train will most likely be late. 火车很可能要误点。
- He willed most of his money to the orphanage. 他立遗嘱把他大部分的钱都留给了孤儿院。
- Iraq and Iran will most likely provide some bad ones. 伊拉克和伊朗最有可能带来某些坏消息。
- He will come on time even though it rains. 即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。
- If you eat mindlessly, you will most likely overeat. 你要是盲目地吃,很可能会吃得过多。
- More likely he will look to something else for variety or from necessity. 为了寻求变化或出于必要,他十之八九会注意到别的事物。
- If you are selling on-line, you will most likely be in the export business. 如果你在线出售,你最有可能在出货交易中。
- He will come to see you on the third of April. 他将于四月三日来看你。
- This information will most likely topple the leader in our government. 这份资料很可能推翻政府的领导人。
- The growth factors and other signals required to complete tooth formation in an embryo most likely come from surrounding jaw tissue. 胚胎形成牙齿所必需的生长因子与其他讯号,最可能是来自周边的颌组织。
- He will not come again after you told him the news. 在你把这个消息告诉他后,他不会再来了。
- The Epicurean Bull will most likely be found savoring succulent three-course meals at posh five-star restaurants. 金牛:我们最有可能在奢华的五星饭店里找到正享受美味多汁的膳食的牛儿了。