- He wheeled round and dashed for the door. 他一转身便向门口冲去。
- He wheeled round and ran. 他转圈然后跑开了。
- I called him as he was running away and he wheeled round and looked at me. 他正跑开时,我在背后叫他,他连忙转过身来看看我。
- He wheeled round at the sound of his name. 他一听到自己的名字就迅速转过身去。
- He wheeled round when he heard her voice. 听到她的声音,他转过身来。
- The little girl turned round and ran to her mother. 女孩转过身朝她妈妈跑去。
- When the man had reached the densest part of the thicket, he wheeled round. 那人走到枝桠最密的地方,把身子转了过来。
- There he wheeled round, and with eyes still downcast:-- "Mr.Mayor," he said, "I shall continue to serve until I am superseded. 走到门口,他又转过来,两眼始终朝下:“市长先生,”他说,“在别人来接替我以前,我还是负责的。”
- He put the dog in a cage and the animal ran round and round in it all day. 他把狗关在笼子里,狗呆在里面整天转来转去。
- He dashed across the street and ran towards me. 他冲过马路,向我跑过来。
- He wheeled round hastily, darted his little sparkling eyes about him with profound attention, and perceived a police sergeant standing with his back to them a few paces off. 他连忙转过身去,睁着一双亮晶晶的小眼睛,聚精会神地向四面张望,发现一个警察的背影,立在相隔几步的地方。
- He tripped and fell, picked himself up and ran on. 他绊倒了,又爬起来继续向前跑。
- He wheeled round suddenly. 他突然转身。
- He just grabbed the bag from my hand and ran off. 他抢走我手中的提包就跑了。
- We were walking along the street together when suddenly she chopped round and ran the other way. 我们正一同在街上走着时,突然她转过身去,朝反方向跑掉了。
- He jumped to his feet and ran out of the office. 他一下子跳了起来,跑出了办公室。
- They wheeled round in amazement. 他们惊奇地转过身来。
- He broke the window and ran away. 他打破窗子逃跑了。
- He looked round and then slipped into the house. 他向四周看看,然后溜进屋里。
- Chinese, European and Indian patrols wheeled round and round, brandishing their truncheons and revolvers in a desperate effort to keep back the crowds, which were already breaking through the cordon here and there. 沿马路梭巡的中西印巡捕团团转地用棍子驱逐,用手枪示威了。 警戒线内已经起了混乱了!