- He went to the station to ask about the trains. 他到火车站却了解火车情况。
- He went to the cherry orchard to see flowers. 他去樱桃园看花。
- He went to the park to get a blow. 他到公园去呼吸新鲜空气。
- He went to the post office to draw his pension. 他到邮局去取退休金了。
- He went to the forest on horseback. 他骑马去森林了。
- He went to the post-office to buy some stamps. 他去邮局买些邮票。
- He went to the tailor's to be fitted for a coat. 他去裁缝店试穿大衣。
- He went to the bank to cash a draft. 他去银行兑现一张汇票。
- He went to live in the countryside and soon built up his body. 他到农村去住,身体很快就强壮起来了。
- He often goes to the countryside to sketch. 他常下乡去写生。
- He went to the badminton club at times during his school days. 他上学时有时到羽毛球俱乐部去。
- He went to the library in truth last night, but you weren't there. 他昨晚真的去图书馆了,但是你不在那。
- He went to the piano and noodle around until the tune came back to him. 他走到钢琴边随意弹奏起来,一直到他想起那曲子。
- I had some thoughts of going to the countryside. 我想到乡下去。
- He went to the seaside to recuperate. 他到海滨去疗养。
- She left school and went to the countryside. 她中学毕业去乡下了。
- He goes to the pictures one week. 他每周去看一次电影。
- Let's go to the countryside for a change. 换换样,去乡下吧。
- He went to the bedroom to get dressed. 他走进卧室去穿衣服。
- He went to the island looking for treasure. 他到小岛上去寻找宝藏。