- He went on barking angrily. 他怒冲冲地叫个不停。
- He went on the stump in his home state. 他到故乡所在的州去发表演说。
- He go on a refresher course in bookkeeping. 他继续学习笔记进修课程。
- He went on to talk about the world situation. 他接着又谈了谈世界形势。
- Will he go on Monday or on Tuesday? 他是星期一走还是星期二走?
- He went on a speaking tour of the United States. 他去美国作巡回演讲。
- He went on the stage at the age of 15. 他十五岁开始登台演出。
- He went on studying deep into the night. 他继续学习至深夜。
- He's thinned down a lot since he went on a diet. 他自从节制饮食以来已经瘦了不少。
- He went on talking, lest he should expose his uneasiness. 他继续往下谈,唯恐显露出内心的不安来。
- He went on at length about his favourite hobby. 他接着详细讲了他最喜欢的爱好。
- He went on working in spite of his poor health. 他抱病工作。
- He went on by train after the plane was grounded on account of the fog. 飞机因雾停飞后,他改乘火车继续前进。
- If he goes on like this he'll lose his job. 要是他这样下去的话,他会失去工作的。
- He'll get punished if he goes on like this. 他再这样下去,一定会受到惩罚的。
- He go on hunger strike until the prison authorities allow him to receive mail. 他进行绝食斗争直到监狱当局允许他获得邮件。
- He went on to his former residence. 他继续向他从前的住所走去。
- He went on playing the music of Mozart. 他继续弹奏莫扎特的乐曲。
- He'll rupture a muscle if he goes on dancing like that! 他要是继续那样跳舞,会跳得皮开肉裂!
- Still he went on trying and still he failed. 他仍然继续找工作,仍然屡遭失败。