- He waved his arms expansively. 他豪爽地挥舞着双臂。
- He waved his arm at the taut wire of the horizon. 他挥臂指向笔直的地平线。
- He waved his arm overhead in the “Follow me” gesture. 他挥舞手臂高过头顶,做出“跟我来”的手势。
- Vickery was the first in 12 holes advance the ball to the green hole, he waved his arms to indicate the fans cheered. 当时维克利在第12洞果岭将球推进球洞后,他挥舞着自己的手臂示意球迷们欢呼起来。
- Seeing Natasha, he waved his arms in despair, and went off into violent, miserable sobs, that convulsed his soft, round face. 他看见娜塔莎,绝望地两手一掸,他那柔和的圆脸庞上的肌肉剧烈抽搐着、扭曲着,发出痛苦的哽咽声。
- He waved his hand to catch my attention. 他挥手以吸引我的注意力。
- He waved his hand to us cheerily . 他高兴地向我们挥手。
- The cheerleader waved his arms with wild abandon. 拉拉队队长疯狂地挥舞双臂。
- He waved his hand to us cheerily. 他高兴地向我们挥手。
- He waved his hand in a negligent gesture. 他漫不经心地挥了挥手。
- He waved his hand slowly in contempt. 他轻悠悠一挥手,一副不屑一提的样子。
- He waved his hand and snapped his fingers. 他把手一挥,手指一弹。
- He waved his hand as if t urge us on. 他挥挥手,似乎在鼓励我们前进。
- He waved his hand to catch my attention . 他挥手以吸引我的注意力。
- He waved his hand deprecatingly . 他不以为然地挥挥手。
- He was waving his arms and writhing about like one in a fit. 他挥动双臂抽筋似地扭来扭去。
- He waved his magic wand and pulled a rabbit out of the hat. 他挥舞魔杖,从帽内拉出一只兔子。
- She looked at Jeff, who was waving his arms. 她看见杰夫挥舞着双臂。
- He waved his hand slightly, his voice brisk and impersonal. 他的口气尖厉,不带一点感情,说着还轻轻用手一招。
- He waved his hands, as if words failed to express his admiration. 他摆摆手,仿佛他的赞赏实在难以言表。