- He was badly cut up by the death of his son. 他因儿子死了极为悲伤。
- He was oblivious of his promise. 他忘记了他的诺言。
- He was blacklisted because of his extremist views. 他因观点偏激而被列入黑名单。
- He was rewarded in recognition of his service. 他的贡献得到认可而受到嘉奖。
- He was in one of his uncontrollable furies. 他怒不可遏。
- He was almost driven out of his mind with anxiety. 他焦急得差不多精神都错乱了。
- He was insensible of his danger. 他没有感觉到面临的危险。
- He was hounded out of his job by jealous rivals. 他受到忌妒他的竞争者的算计而被迫离职。
- He was on the threshold of his career. 他的事业刚刚起步。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。
- He was the admiration of his whole family. 他受到全家人的敬重。
- He was very conscious of his shortcomings. 他对自己的缺点十分清楚。
- At last he was free of his teacher. 他终於不再受老师的折磨。
- He was envious of his brother's success. 他忌妒他哥哥的成功。
- He was pleased by the warmth of his welcome. 他因受到热烈欢迎而高兴。
- He was excused by reason of his age. 他因为年龄的关系而得到宽恕。
- He was unconscious of his mistake. 他没意识到自己犯了错误。
- He was not ashamed of his lowly origins. 他并不以自己出身低微为耻。
- He was forced to dispose of his art treasures. 他被迫处理掉自己的艺术珍品。
- He was staggered by the news of his father's death. 他父亲去世的消息令他非常震惊。