- He was released from prison after serving his sentence. 他刑满获释。
- The thief was determined to turn over a new leaf once he was released from prison. 那盗贼下决心,一旦获释便重新做人。
- He was released from prison after serving a sentence of five years. 他在服刑五年后从狱中释放出来。
- He was released from prison following his acquittal. 在宣布无罪之后他即从狱中被释放。
- He was little more than skin and bones when he was released from prison. 他从监狱里放出来时瘦得不像人样。
- He was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence. 五年的徒刑他服了两年便从监狱里放出来了。
- He was released from prison and offered a job in a department store.It was a new day for him. 他刑满获释后被安排在一家百货公司里工作, 这对他来说是一个新的开端。
- He was released from his long captivity. 他被释放了,结束了他长期的被俘生活。
- He was treated as a hero on his release from prison. 他获释出狱时被当成英雄看待。
- On July 9,he was released from jail after two years'imprisonment. 7月9日,他在监禁两年之后被释放出狱。
- He was released from his position at his own request. 他由自己请求而免职。
- On July 9, he was released from jail after two years' imprisonment. 7月9日,他在监禁两年之后被释放出狱。
- He was rearrested on a fresh charge two days after being released from goal. 刚从监狱释放两天他又因一项新的指控而被捕。
- Two months later, he was released from the clinic and drove back to Ketchum with Mary. 两个月后,他离开诊所,同玛丽驱车回到凯彻姆。
- He was captured by the enemy, but escaped from prison shortly thereafter. 他被敌人俘虏,但很快就从敌营中逃脱。
- He was released immediately after Batisth fled from Cuba. 在巴蒂斯塔逃离古巴后,他马上获释。
- He was released on bail pending further inquiries. 他获得保释,等候进一步调查。
- He was released the day after suffering a seizure. 心脏病发作的第二天,他就出院了。
- He was released without a scratch. 他是在没伤一个手指的情况下被释放的。
- In the High Court, the man appealed successfully against the judgement that he was guilty, and was freed from prison. 那个男人在高院胜诉,所控罪名不成立,被无罪释放。