- He was offered the opportunity to recant, but in good conscience he could not. 他被提供机会去放弃信仰,但良心让他做不到。
- In February 2003, Mr. Gould got a big break. A sommelier was leaving and he was offered the chance to step in. 2003年2月,古尔德好运降临。一个斟酒服务员要离职了,老板给了他顶替上去的机会。
- Robert was on the horns of a dilemma when he was offered another job because he still felt a great deal of loyalty to his boss. 有人又给了罗伯特一份工作,他感到十分为难,因为他对老板仍然很忠诚。
- He was offered a position in India, in the Service of John Company, under whose flag, as we know, the pagoda-tree was worth shaking. 他获得了一个在印度约翰公司的职位,大家知道,在约翰公司的旗帜下,他能够迅速地发财致富。
- Gladstone undertook the premiership when he was 8 2 years old . 格莱斯顿在他82岁时担任首相职务。
- Gladstone undertook the premiership when he was 82 years old. 格莱斯顿在他82岁时担任首相职务。
- He was offered a lifetime professorship. 他被聘为终身教授。
- He was offered money to betray his colleagues. 有人收买他出卖他的同事。
- Gladstone undertook the premiership when he was 8 2 years old. 格莱斯顿在他82岁时担任首相职务。
- Surprisingly, he was offered a good job. 另人惊讶的是,他竟然得到了一份好工作。
- He was deputized as premier during the premier's absence. 在总理离开期间他被委派为代理总理。
- He was offered a company car as a. 他得到了一辆公司的汽车作为特殊待遇。
- He was offered a job as a receptionist. 有人给他一份作接待员的工作。
- He was offered a company car as a perk. 他得到了一辆公司的汽车作为特殊待遇。
- He was forced to part company with his girl friend, when he was offered another higher position in another city. 由于在另一个城市里谋得了一份较好的职位,他被迫也女友分手了。
- Malcolm has been walking on air since he was offered that job he has been trying so hard for. 自马尔科姆得到那份他一直非常想得到工作后,他一直洋洋得意。
- The Premier made it clear he was not being forced out. 总理清楚地表示,他不是被逼离开的。
- He was offered a job but he said he'd have none of it. 他有一个工作机会,但他说他不接受。
- He was offered employment in a local hardware store. 他被当地一个五金店雇用。
- He was appointed the new premier. 他被任命为新总理。