- His choice of coming here means that he was fated to die. 他既然选择来这里,说明他是命中注定要死在这里的。”
- He was fated to miss many opportunities to succedd. 他注定会失去许多成功的机会。
- He was sent to prison to pay his debts and died in poverty in 1836. 他由于还不起债而被关进监狱,1836年他因贫困而死。
- He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debts and died in poverty in 1836. 由于还不起债,他被投进了监狱,并在贫困潦倒之中于1836年死去。
- He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debts and died in poverty in1836. 由于还不起债,他被投进了监狱,并在贫困潦倒之中于1836年死去。
- He was even prepared to die in order to defend the honor of his family. 他誓死捍卫家族的荣誉。
- He was willing to die just to frame you? 为了陷害你而情愿死?
- Kiah was right: he was going to die. 凯说得对:他活不成了。
- He was doomed to die on the battlefield. 他注定要死於战场。
- He was very weary, but it refused to die. 他极度疲惫,可是他的生命却不愿意死去。
- He was sinless, innocent, yet was condemned to die. 基督是完全无罪和无辜的,却要被判死刑。
- As far as I can recollect, he was born in 1898 and died in 1972. 我记得他生於一八九八年,卒於一九七二年。
- "How did he know he was going to die?" she demanded. “他怎么能料到他会死呢?她争辩说。
- He died in the village where he was born . 他在他出生的村子里死去了。
- He died in the village where he was born. 他逝世在他出生的村庄。
- He died in the vila ge where he was born . 他死在村庄里面哪里他生于。
- He was sorry for the soldier who lay dying in Algiers. 他为那位奄奄一息地倒在阿尔及尔的士兵而难过。
- He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die. 耶稣这话原是指著自己将要怎样死说的。
- As far as I can recollect,he was born in 1898 and died in 1972. 我记得他生于一八九八年,卒于一九七二年。
- He was bug-eyed because somebody died in front of him. 他因为有人死在他面前而睁大了双眼。