- After the fight, he was black and blue all over. 打架之後,他浑身青一块紫一块。
- The man was beaten until he was black and blue. 那个人被拷打得遍体鳞伤。
- After the fight he was black and blue all over. 打了那一架后,他浑身上下青一块紫一块。
- He was black and blue because of the car accident. 车祸弄得他遍体鳞伤。
- He was dressed down till he was black and blue. 他被打得遍体鳞伤。
- He was black and blind with hatred of her. 他怒气冲天,茫然,对她恨之入骨。
- The boy was beaten until he was black and blue. 那孩子被打得遍体鳞伤。
- Oh, no! The point is that it was Black to move, and he wasn't in check. 不!此时该黑方走,并且没被将军。请问当时局面是怎样的?
- His trousers had burned and his skin was black and blistered. But he was alive. 他的裤子烧坏了,皮肤发黑,起了水泡,但他还活着。
- He was in black from crew to earing. 他全身上下都穿着黑衣服。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- He was a dishonor to his regiment. 他是那个团的耻辱。
- He was disobedient to his mother. 他不听他母亲的话。
- He was had up for dangerous driving. 他因危险驾驶而被控告。
- He was dressed in a pair of black trousers. 他穿着一条黑色裤子。
- It is necessary that he be sent there at once. 有必要马上派他到那里去。
- He was mounted on a black horse. 他骑着一匹黑色的马。
- He was consuming his final libation. 他正在喝着他的最后一杯酒。
- He was the first black to be elected as Mayor. 他是第一位被选为市长的黑人。
- He was destined to plod the path of toil. 他注定要在艰辛的道路上跋涉。