- He warded off a danger. 他避开了危险。
- To deflect or ward off a thrust or blow. 避开或挡开刺杀或打击
- What is needed is the great leap forward, a dynamic surge to close the gap and thus ward off a serious economic danger. 我们所需要的是向前的一个大跳跃,充满动力的缩小差距,才能阻止严重的经济危险。
- Warm clothing and good food helps to ward off a cold. 暖和的衣服和良好的食物有助于预防感冒。
- The fighter neatly fenced off a dangerous blow. 这位拳击手灵巧地挡开了十分危险的一击。
- Blake tried to ward off a cold by taking lots of vitamin C. 布雷克想藉由服用大量维他命C来预防感冒。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- He managed to ward off the blow. 他设法避过了那一击。
- He fling up an arm to ward off the blow. 他迅速抬起手臂挡开这一击。
- He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。
- He flung up an arm to ward off the blow. 他挥起手臂挡开这一拳。
- Zuof is often able to head off a danger in the field. Shumacher is very aggressive and bound in personality on the field. 佐夫在场上经常能化险为夷,而舒马赫在绿茵场上则是咄咄逼人和富于个性。
- He neatly fended off a jab at his chest. 他利落地挡开了当胸的一击。
- A red lamp is often a danger signal. 红灯常常是危险的信号。
- He can fling off a poem in half an hour. 他可以在半小时之内草就一首诗。
- By saying this she had warded off a dispute between Tsai Chen and Su Lun and at the same time brought Chen Yueh-ngo to Ke Tso-fu's notice. 玛金阻住了蔡真和苏伦的争辩,引起克佐甫注意陈月娥。
- Zuof is often able to head off a danger in the field,Shurnaeher is very aggressive and bound in personality on the field. 佐夫在场上经常能化险为夷,而舒马赫在绿茵场上则是咄咄逼人和富于个性。
- They regard overpopulation as a danger to society. 他们把人口过剩看成是对社会的威胁。
- He shouldered off a defender and shot at goal. 他用肩膀挡开防守队员後射门。
- A red lamp is used as a danger signal. 红灯用作危险信号。