- He walk on the streets because of his paranoia. 因为这样的恐惧症,他都无法上街走路。
- Derek kept his balance with his arms as he walked on the top of the high wall. 德里克在高墙头上走的时候,用双臂保持身体平衡。
- He walked on the wall. 他在墙上行走。
- He walked on the path in the cemetery alone and suddenly felt scared. 他一个人走在坟山的小路上,突然感觉很害怕。
- He walked on,the sweat pouring into his eyes. 他继续向上走,汗水源源不断地流到了眼里。
- He scratched his name on the wall with a knife. 他用一把小刀把自己的名字刻在墙上。
- He walked on alone to the bookstore. 他一个人走着到书店去。
- He barked his elbow on the wall. 他碰到墙上,肘部擦破了皮。
- He walked on, quite careless of the elements. 他还是向前走,不在乎天气恶劣。
- He pasted up a notice on the wall. 他把一张布告贴在墙上。
- He walked on alone to the book store. 他一个人走着到书店去。
- The audience cheered him as he walked on stage. 当他走上舞台时,观众们热烈欢呼。
- He carved his initials on the wall. 他将他名字的首字母刻在这墙上。
- He walked on, the sweat pouring into his eyes. 他继续向上走,汗水源源不断地流到了眼里。
- He knocked on the wall and she knocked back. 他敲了敲墙壁,她在隔壁应声回敲。
- There he walked on as the road wound. 在那里,随著路纡迴蜿蜒,他继续走。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。
- He walked over to the radio and turned on the ball game. 他走过去把收音机开到球赛节目上。
- There is a map of the world on the wall. 墙上有张世界地图。
- There is an ornament made of shells on the wall. 墙上有一个贝壳做成的装饰品。