- He urged leaving. 他极力主张离去。
- He urged them to guard against conceit. 他要求他们防止骄傲自满。
- He urged the horses on with a whip. 他用鞭子策马前行。
- He urged that they go to New York. 他极力主张他们去纽约。
- He urged all concerned to take an active part in the work. 他要求有关的人都积极参加这项工作。
- He urged upon us the need of perseverance. 他向我们强调必须有毅力。
- He urged his students to work hard. 他勉励学生努力学习。
- With whip and spur he urged his horse onward . 他以马鞭及马刺策马前进。
- With whip and spur he urged his horse onward. 他以马鞭及马刺策马前进。
- He urged that we stop all arms shipments to Israel. 他敦促我们停止向以色列运送任何武器。
- He urged upon us the need of perseverance . 他向我们力陈必须要坚持不懈。
- He urged me to drive carefully on the icy roads. 他督促我在结冰的路上开车要谨慎。
- He urged all citizens to boycott Korean goods. 他呼吁所有民众联手抵制韩国货。
- He urged his horse forward with his whip. 他扬鞭策马前进。
- He urged the horse whip in hand. 他手里拿着鞭子催马上前。
- He urged her to do that,but did not succeed. 他使劲劝她这样做,却没有劝成。
- He urged on his pupils the importance of hard work. 他向学生们力陈用功的重要。
- He urged that his son do his best. 他要求他的儿子要尽力。
- He urged that the matter should go to arbitration. 他极力主张这件事要提交仲裁。
- He urged the rich to give to the poor. 他要求富人拯救穷人。