- He unloosed his grip. 他松开紧握的手。
- He tightened his grip on her arm. 他紧抓她的手臂。
- He unloosed his tie. 他松开了领带。
- I think the prime minister may be losing his grip. 我认为首相可能控制不住局面了。
- He loosened his grip and let her go. 他松手放开了她。
- Joey: He forgot to leave his grip size! 他忘了告诉我他的手柄尺寸了。
- The child would not let go his grip on Tom. 这孩子紧紧地抓住汤姆不放。
- His grip weakened as he was tired. 因为累了, 他紧握的手放松了。
- He relaxed his grip on the rope. 他松开了抓着绳子的手。
- Paul was formerly one of our best salesman, but recently he has begun to lose his grip. 保罗以前是我们最好的推销员,但最近已开始失去应付事务的能力。
- He forced his grip to relax, slowly uncurling each finger. 他强迫了他的紧握放松,慢慢地不捲曲每根手指。
- The moment he relinquishes his grip on the blade, it dissipates. 如果魂刃者松开握剑的手,剑就会自动消解。
- She tried to disengage herself from his grip. 她企图挣脱他牢牢抓住的手。
- The child will not let go his grip on tom. 这孩子紧紧地抓住汤姆不放。
- I think the prime minister may lose his grip. 我认为首相可能控制不住局面了。
- His grip slackened and she pulled away from him. 他抓得不那么紧了,她顺势挣脱开来。
- The dictator refuses to relax his grip on power. 独裁者拒绝放松对权力的控制。
- The thief would not let go his grip on my handbag. 小偷抓住我的手提包不放。
- Thomas lost his grip and he thought they were both going to be washed back. 托马斯没抓住,还以为他们俩都要被浪冲走。
- Faber screwed up his face in pain, but he held his grip on David's throat. 费伯疼得紧皱眉头,但仍死卡着大卫的咽喉。