- He turned down the oil lamp. 他把油灯弄暗。
- He turned down the corner of the page to show where he had gone to. 他把那一页折个角,以示读到什么地方。
- He turned down the brim of his straw hat to keep the sun out if his eyes. 他把草帽边翻下来,使阳光照不到眼睛。
- The oil lamp was turned over and a fire started. 那盏灯打翻了,于是引起了火灾。
- She petitioned her neighbor to turn down the radio. 她请求邻居把收音机关小点声。
- He would have turned down the candle. 他本想把蜡烛弄灭。
- The oil lamp sizzled softly on his table. 油灯在他桌上发出轻微的嗞嗞声。
- She turned down the blankets and climbed into bed. 她掀起毯子上床去了。
- He turned down the invitation to stay for lunch as he had to hurry back for an early class. 因为要赶回去上课,他谢绝了别人留他吃饭的邀请。
- The wind flickered the light of the oil lamp. 风吹得油灯光摇闪不定。
- The oil lamp needs a new globe,spherical lampshade. 这油灯需配个新的圆灯罩。
- Manchester City are keen to sign Barcelona midfielder Yaya Toure after he turned down the chance to join his brother Kolo at Arsenal. 曼城急于在签下巴萨的中场丫丫图雷遭到拒绝后,他有机会,加盟他的兄弟图雷所在的阿森纳。
- Anderson lightened the oil lamp and looked around. 安得森先生点亮油灯,环顾四周看了看。
- Damrong said he turned down the transfer after the zoo in northern Thailand failed to provide proof they were born in captivity. 达姆隆说,这座位于泰北的动物园未能提出牠们是在豢养场所出生的证明后,他拒绝这项交换计画。
- After hearing Kennedy turn down the offer of make-up, he turned it down too, though it might have covered his five o'clock shadow. 当他听说肯尼迪拒绝了化妆的提议后,他也拒绝了化妆的提议,尽管化妆可以掩饰一下他那稍显憔悴的面容。
- In fact, this summer, it raised the rent Zhongwei The genius of the request, but I do not want to go to La Duoyi Meazza stadium as a substitute, he turned down the invitation. 实际上在今年夏天,就提出过租借这名天才中卫的要求,但是拉多伊本人并不想去梅阿查球场担任一名替补,他因此拒绝了的邀请。
- He turned down an alley, still there! 他进了小胡同,还跟着!
- He turned down the lane. 他拐进了小巷。
- He turned down their proposal then and there. 他当场就拒绝了他们的建议。
- The oil lamp needs a new globe, spherical lampshade. 这油灯需配个新的圆灯罩.