- He thirsted after wealth. 他渴望获取财富。
- He thirsted for a drink of cold water . 他很想喝一杯凉水。
- He thirsted for a drink of cold water. 他渴望能喝到一口冰水。
- His mind thirsted after more knowledge. 他心里渴求更多的知识。
- Thirst after the drink and sorrow after the money. 喝酒后口干,花钱后后悔。
- He thirsted for power, which resulted in disgrace and fun upon him. 他对权力的渴求已使他身败名裂。
- All the students of our class thirst after knowledge to learn. 我们班的所有的同学都渴望知识学习。
- All the students of our class thirst after knowledge. 我们班的所有的同学都渴望知识。
- All the students of our class thirst after knowledge [to learn]. 我们班的所有的同学都渴望知识[学习]。
- It is a great pity that the old woman chased after wealth all her life. 这老妇的一生都在追求财富,实在可悲。
- He is after wealth and status. 他追求财富和地位。
- Our allies are the millions who hunger and thirst after righteousness. 那些成千上万如饥似渴寻找正义的人是我们的联盟。
- In his old age, He thirsted for returning hometown because of demotion, absolve, sorrowful, dreariness and sentiment. 晚年时期,被贬,获赦,处境悲苦凄凉,易于感伤,渴望回归故乡。
- The thirst after the happiness is never extinguished in the heart of man. 对快乐的渴望,永远不会在人的心中消失。
- The thirst after happiness is neer extinguished in the heart of man. 对快乐的渴望永远不会在人心中熄灭。
- The thirst after happiness is never extinguished in the heart of man. 对快乐的渴望永远不会在人心中熄灭。
- A man with an evil eye hastens after wealth And does not know that want will come upon him. 箴28:22人有恶眼想要急速发财、却不知穷乏必临到他身。
- The boy thirsts after knowledge. 小男孩渴望学到知识。
- He runs after fame rather than wealth. 他追求名而不追求利。
- You have given me my deeper thirsting after life. 你们给我的是对生命深深的渴求。