- He stands ready for anything. 他已准备好应付任何事。
- The troops were ready for anything. 部队已做好了一切准备。
- I was twenty years old and ready for anything. 我已经二十岁了,做好了一切准备。
- If so, I stand ready for rebuke. 如果是这样,我甘愿接受对我的指责。
- He stood ready to fire a warning flare. 他站着准备发出警告信号。
- The platoon stood ready for review. 队伍站好了等待视察。
- The soldiers stood ready for inspection. 士兵矗立,准备接受检阅。
- He was always particularly ready for anything in the way of a testimonial to any one. 对任何人他都喜欢歌功颂德。
- He would not go with us for anything. 他说什么也不肯同我们一起去。
- This wacky event keeps these two-person adult teams ready for anything in the bedtime routine. 这项稀奇古怪的活动使参赛的成人二人组能够应对以后睡前程序中可能出现的任何状况。
- He stands shivering on the brink, wait to dive in. 他站在边上等待跳水时浑身发抖。
- Don't trust that man. He just goes all out for anything he can get. 别相信那人。他只不过是想尽法子去谋得他所需要的一切而已。
- If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open to everything. 若你的心保持虚空,则随时都可以接纳任何东西;它是开放的。
- He stands confessed as a notorious gambler. 他是个恶名昭彰的赌徒这个事实很明显。
- He was busy getting ready for his journey. 他正忙于准备旅行。
- Captain Wasabi is a little drained from the match today, but as you can imagine, he is ready for anything. “芥末队长”可能会因为今天比赛的胜利而有所松懈,但是你们可以想象,他仍然时刻都在戒备着。
- He will not see anything if he stands there. 他将什么都看不见,如果他站在那里的话。
- No wave is too huge;no mountain is too high, and no enemy is too powerful for Sinbad, whos ready for anything! 对辛巴达而言、没有破不了的大浪,没有攀不上的高山,也没有打不倒的敌人!
- He knows how he stands with his fellows. 他知道自己在同伴中的评价如何。
- The one thing I miss from the days we wore our hair in crew cuts is that I was so fit,full of boundless energy,enjoying dreamless sleep,always ready for anything. 在过去我蓄平头的日子里,我怀念的一件事,就是那时我很强健,充满无穷的活力,睡觉也安稳,而且总是留心和乐意去进行或对付一切事情。