- He spoke in measured words. 他讲话措辞慎重。
- He spoke in reference to the cowboys. 他谈了有关牛仔的事。
- He spoke in an effeminate voice. 他讲起话来一副娘娘腔。
- He spoke in a slow, ponderous way. 他的讲话缓慢而冗长。
- He spoke in the idiom of the New England countryside. 他讲新英格兰乡下的方言。
- He spoke in an apologetic voice. 他说话充满歉意。
- He spoke in the softest of voices. 他说话声音非常柔和。
- He spoke in the person of Xinhua News Agency. 他代表新华社讲话。
- He spoke in an aside of his family. 他离开本题谈起他的家庭。
- He spoke in jest when he asked me to marry him. 他以开玩笑的口气向我求婚。
- He spoke in a calm, assured voice. 他冷静自信地说。
- spoke in measured words. 说话很有分寸
- He spoke in a confidential tone, his voice low. 他低声用隐密的语气说话。
- He spoke in a forthright manner but without anger. 他坦诚直言但并无怒气。
- He spoke in a low mumble, as if to himself. 他自言自语般地嘟哝着。
- He spoke in a low, strained voice. 他焦虑地低声说话。
- He spoke in a slow ponderous voice. 他慢条斯理地开口说话。
- He spoke in a steady, even voice. 当时他说话的声音平稳而镇静。
- He spoke In defense of the governments record. 他发言维护政府的政绩。
- He spoke in a frightening manner. 他说话的样子令人害怕。