- He skied the ball. 他将球踢向高空。
- He lay back and hit the ball for four. 他向后弯身击中球,得了4分。
- He swiped at the ball and missed it. 他向球猛击,但未打中。
- He fumbled the ball and then dropped it. 他笨手笨脚的漏接了球。
- He kicked the ball to the stand. 他把球踢到看台上了。
- He snatched at the ball but did not catch it. 他想抓那个球但没抓住。
- He slammed the ball over the fence. 他用力把球击过围栏。
- He skied the oars. 他把桨叶翘的太高了。
- He swiped the ball into the grandstand. 他把球打到看台上去了。
- He smote the ball into the grandstand. 他把球打到看台上去了。
- He was out of his element at the ball. 他在舞会上感到格格不入。
- A young ski racer, bothered by spectators and blowing snow, was having a disappointing competition when his coach pulled him aside. " Look ahead," the coach said, reminding the skier to focus on the gates ahead as he skied the ones before. 一个年轻的滑雪运动员见观众很多又有飘雪打扰,比赛中的表现令人失望,教练马上把他拽到一边,对他说“看着前方”,提醒他要像原来滑的那样滑时注意前方的旗门。
- He quickly threw the ball to another player. 他迅速把球传给了另一名球员。
- A young ski racer,bothered by spectators and blowing snow,was having a disappointing competition when his coach pulled him aside. " Look ahead," the coach said,reminding the skier to focus on the gates ahead as he skied the ones before. 一个年轻的滑雪运动员见观众很多又有飘雪打扰,比赛中的表现令人失望,教练马上把他拽到一边,对他说“看着前方”,提醒他要像原来滑的那样滑时注意前方的旗门。
- He caught at the ball but missed it. 他伸手去接球,但没接住。
- He hit the ball with just a flick of the wrist. 他只用手腕轻轻一抖,打出了那个球。
- He dribbled (the ball) past the goalie to score. 他带球越过守门员射门得分。
- He whammed the ball into the back of the net. 他一用力把球打到球网的后面去了。
- He was very gallant at the ball. 他在舞会上对妇女大献殷勤。
- In cricket, the ball is delivered overarm. 打板球时,要举臂过肩掷球。