- He served his master devotedly. 他一心一意地为他的主人服务。
- 10.He served his master devotedly. 他一心一意地为他的主人服务。
- He has served his master for many years. 他伺候主人很多年了.
- He served his apprenticeship with Bob. 他跟鲍伯当学徒。
- He served his master truly. 他确实服侍自己的主人。
- He served his country as a diplomat. 他以外交官的身份为国家服务。
- He served his apprenticeship with a tailor. 他曾跟一个裁缝当过学徒。
- He served his time as manager for5 years. 他担任经理职务已经5年了。
- He served his time in the Army and was then discharged. 他在陆军服役,而后退伍。
- He served his apprenticeship with a carpenter in his youth. 他年轻的时候跟一个木匠当学徒。
- He saved his master's life by stopping a bullet during the Mutiny. 在骚乱中,他为了救主人的性命,身中一弹。
- He served his time in the army. 他服满了兵役。
- He served one month with the Air Army in Kuwait. 他在科威特的空军里服役1个月。
- The dog remained faithful to his master. 这条狗始终忠于它的主人。
- He served us brownies as dessert. 他给我们吃核桃仁巧克力饼作为甜点。
- The servant enjoyed his master's confidence. 这仆人深得主人的信赖。
- He served some sweets to the children. 他为孩子们拿来他们要买的糖果。
- The servant tried to gauge his master's mood. 那个仆人想揣测他主人的心思。
- The servant crouched to his master. 那仆人向主人低头哈腰。
- NASB: But you know of his proven worth, that he served with me in the furtherance of the gospel like a child serving his father. 和合本:但你们知道提摩太的明证、他兴旺福音与我同劳、待我像儿子待父亲一样。