- He scratched his grizzled poll. 他抓了抓他那头发花白的脑袋。
- He scratched his name on the wall with a knife. 他用一把小刀把自己的名字刻在墙上。
- He scratched his name on the bridge with a knife. 他用刀子将自己的名字刻在桥上。
- He scratched his mosquito bites. 他搔了搔蚊子咬过的地方。
- He scratched his hand on a nail. 他的手被钉子划伤。
- He scratched his head in perplexity. 他困窘得直抓头皮。
- He scratched his initials on the rock. 他在岩石上刻下姓名的首字母。
- He scratched his hand badly while pruning the rise bush. 他修剪玫瑰时双手被刮伤得很厉害。
- He scratched his hands badly while pruning the rose bushes. 他修剪玫瑰时双手被刮伤得很厉害。
- The farmer scratched his grizzled head. "Rose" he finally answered,"I don't see why the pig should take the blamefor something that happened fifty years ago. 这位农民伯伯扫了扫他头上花白的头发,“路丝,”他回答到,“我不明白,为什么偏要这头猪为已经发生了。
- He scratched his hands badly while pruning the rosebushes . 他修剪玫瑰时双手刮伤得很厉害。
- He scratched his hands badly while pruning the rosebushes. 他修剪玫瑰时双手刮伤得很厉害。
- He scratched his arm where had been bitten by an insect. 他搔了搔手臂上被虫叮过的部位。
- As we nestled over a bedtime story he scratched his head. 当我们依偎在一起听故事的时候,他挠了挠头。
- He scratched his armwhere he had been bitten by an insect. 他搔了搔手臂上被虫叮咬过的地方。
- He scratched his arm where he had been bitten by an insect. 他搔了搔手臂上被虫叮过的部位。
- He scratched his horn with his pencil and opened his mouth to speak. 他用铅笔刮了刮鼻子,然后才开始说。
- He scratched his head and knitted his brows, but could not come up with a good plan. 他搔搔头,皱皱眉,但还是想不出一个好办法。
- He's scratched his hand on a nail. 他的手让钉子刮破了。
- He nestled his grizzled chin in his hand and smiled softly at me. 他用手把住他那有花白胡须的下巴,温柔地冲我微笑着。