- He saws well. 他锯得很好。
- When he saws some students waste their time, he can't contain his anger. 当他看到一些学生浪费他们的时间,他无法控制他的愤怒。
- He sawed at the loaf of bread with his knife . 他用刀切面包。
- He sawed the logs up into little pieces. 他把木材锯成小块。
- He sawed the wood into three pieces. 他把木头锯成三块。
- He sawed at the loafof bread with his knife. 他用刀切开面包。
- He sawed at the loaf of bread with his knife. 他象拉锯那样用刀切面包。
- He sawed the towel across his back. 他拉锯般用毛巾擦背。
- He sawed away till he got tired. 他一直锯到累了才停下来。
- The last time (when) I saw him, he was quite well. 最后一次看到他时,他还相当健康。
- He sawed away at the thick branch till at last it was cut through. 他不停地锯那根粗大的树枝,直到终于把它锯断。
- Did you know he sawed off the head of the rabbi at Kaunas? |你知不知道他在考纳斯 砍下了一位拉比的头?
- I saw you old boss the other day and he still speaks well of you. 前几天我见到你原来的老板,他仍然很称赞你。
- He is a very good footballer; you ought to see him in action. 他是一位出色的足球运动员,你应该看他踢球。
- He is a friend in word as well as in deed. 他是个言行如一的朋友。
- He went to the cherry orchard to see flowers. 他去樱桃园看花。
- He commands the respect of all who know him well. 所有了解他的人都对他非常尊敬。
- He will come to see you on the third of April. 他将于四月三日来看你。
- He had to lay up his legs till they got well. 他得在睡椅上伸展两腿,一直到放好位置为止。
- He shared in my sorrows as well as in my joys. 他分担我的快乐也分享我的悲伤。