- He rendered up his life for the revolution. 他为革命献出了自己的生命。
- He rendered up his life. 他献出了自己的生命。
- He rendered up his soul to God, ie died. 他魂归天国了。
- Fig)He rendered up his soul to God,ie died. 他魂归天国了.
- He made a decision to straighten up his life. 他决定整顿他的生活。
- He has given up his life to this lofty cause. 他把生命献给了这一崇高事业。
- The captain has rendered up his castle to the enemy. 上尉把城堡交给了敌人。
- He gave up his life while saving a Korean boy from drowning. 他在抢救一个溺水的朝鲜孩子时牺牲了自己的生命。
- He messed up his work and his life, leaving everything in chaos. 他把工作生活混成一团,搞的什么都是乱七八糟的。
- He went so far as to say that he would give up his life for the poor girl. 他甚至说他愿意为这可怜的姑娘献出生命。
- He went so far as to say that he would give up his life for this girl. 他甚至说他愿意为这个姑娘献出生命。
- No doubt it hadn't been sensible to clutter up his life that way. 当然,把生活安排得象他那样乱七八糟,是很不明智的。
- From what he had seen of Clemenza, that burly Sicilian would sooner give up his life than a penny of his loot. 凭着他对克莱门扎的观察,这个时光体身体结实的西西里人宁愿不要命,也不肯把抢到的钱丢掉一分半文。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。
- He had an accident and bashed up his car. 他出了交通事故,把车子撞毁了。
- All his life he tried to act out his beliefs. 他一生致力于把自己的信仰变成行动。
- He passed his life in an inconsiderable village. 他在一个小小村落中度过他的一生。
- He packed up his things and left. 他把东西装进箱子里就动身了。
- fig.He rendered up his soul to God,ie died. 他魂归天国了.