- He relighted his skinny cigar. 他又点燃了那根剩下不多的雪茄。
- He relighted his skinny cigar 他又点燃了那根剩下不多的雪茄。
- He ate fast and heartily, but his skinny frame never gained a pound. 他吃饭很快,胃口也很大,但他纤瘦的身体却一点肉也不长。
- Tom sticks his skinny frame into blue jeans and wrinkled shirts,and he talks hip talk,punctuated with obscenities. 汤姆瘦骨嶙峋地穿着一条牛仔裤和起皱的衬衫,说的是装腔作势的话,夹杂着许多猥亵语言。
- Dont judge him with his skinny physic, he is hell of an iron man with powerful inner strength. 别看他瘦,其实他体内能量惊人,简直是铁人。
- Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones. 伞绳缠绕在他瘦削的身体上打成结。
- Pious Pete teleports you from what you are doing to a church to relight his candles. 虔诚的皮特将你传送到一个教堂,并请你帮他点燃蜡烛。
- He lit his cigar and exhaled smoke. 他点燃雪茄,然后吐出烟雾。
- He usually has a cigar vised in his teeth. 他通常用牙齿叼著一支雪茄。
- Tom sticks his skinny frame into blue jeans and wrinkled shirts, and he talks hip talk, punctuated with obscenities. 汤姆瘦骨嶙峋地穿着一条牛仔裤和起皱的衬衫,说的是装腔作势的话,夹杂着许多猥亵语言。
- As he came out of the gym in Fort McNair, he was wearing a large jacket which may have contributed to his skinny look. 从照片上可以看到,奥巴马从福特-麦克奈尔体育馆出来时,身穿一件宽大的夹克,这可能也是让他显得很瘦的原因。
- The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome.Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones.The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground. 伞绳缠住他的脖子,将他包裹在伞蓬中,伞绳死死的缠绕在他瘦弱的身体上,伞衣成了他的寿衣,他高速坠向地面。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- He likes to be sure of his bodily comforts. 他注重身体上的舒适。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- He sat down in the sofa and lit a cigar. 他坐在沙发上,点燃了一只香烟。
- He was a dishonor to his regiment. 他是那个团的耻辱。
- He was disobedient to his mother. 他不听他母亲的话。
- He exhaled a billow of cigar smoke. 他吐出一股雪茄烟。